15.24.010 Definitions.
15.24.020 Permit--Required.
15.24.030 Permit--Fee.
15.24.040 Permit--Application and examination.
15.24.050 Permit--Application contents.
15.24.060 Permit--Grounds for denial--Issuance terms.
15.24.070 Certification of approval by adjacent property owners.
15.24.080 Permit application--Examination and investigation--Posting notices.
15.24.090 Hearing on permit issuance--Effective term.
15.24.100 Bond--Required--Amount.
15.24.110 Bond--Conditions.
15.24.120 Bond--Defaults.
15.24.130 Bond--Term.
15.24.140 Right of access to premises.
15.24.150 Leaving building in one position for more than twenty-four hours.
15.24.160 Appeals.
15.24.170 Penalty for violations.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A. "Building" means any house, building, or shed; provided, however, that the word "building" shall not include any oil or water tank and shall not include a small sentry booth used on an oil lease and which is commonly known as a doghouse.
B. "One position" means a portion of a street one hundred feet long measured in any direction or from any portion of a building being moved.
C. "Street" means any street, avenue, place, court, way, alley, or public highway or thoroughfare.
(Prior code § 14.24.010 (Ord. 387 § 1, 1954))
It is unlawful for any person to move a building, structure, or garage over, upon, or along any street or from a location on one lot to a location on another lot within the corporate limits of the city or to perform any part of such moving work unless the building or the garage has first been examined and posted in the manner required in this chapter and a permit in writing so to do for each and every separate moving operation has been applied for and obtained from the building inspector. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed applicable to the moving of a structure from one location on a lot to another location on the same lot.
(Prior code § 14.24.020 (part) (Ord. 387 § 2 (part), 1954))