A. Whereas, the City Council has adopted all of the 2022 California Building Standards Codes, Title 24, California Code of Regulations as established by the California Building Standards Commission, all violations of the provisions of the 2022 editions of the California Building Code Volume 1, Volume 2, and Appendices, the California Residential Code, the California Plumbing Code, the California Mechanical Code, the California Electrical Code, the California Energy Code, the California Fire Code, the California Green Building Standards Code, and the California Existing Building Code shall be a misdemeanor and subject to the penalty provisions contained in Chapter 1.16 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code. One copy of each code has been deposited in the office of the city clerk and shall be at all times maintained by the clerk for use and examination by the public.
B. Furthermore, the City Council has adopted the provisions of the 1997 Uniform Housing Code, the 1997 Uniform Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, the 2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, and the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code and all violations of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor and subject to the penalty provisions contained in Chapter 1.16 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code. One copy of each code has been deposited in the office of the city clerk and shall be at all times maintained by the clerk for use and examination by the public.
(Ord. 2022-12-1542 § 1: Ord. 2019-12-1510 § 1 (part))
Building permits shall be presumed by the city to incorporate all of the work that the applicant, the applicant’s agent, employees and/or contractors shall carry out. Said proposed work shall be in accordance with the approved plans and with all requirements of this code and any other laws or regulations applicable thereto. No city approval shall relieve or exonerate any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions of this code nor shall any vested rights be created for any work performed in violation of this code.
(Ord. 2019-12-1510 § 1 (part))