The County Official may issue a permit for temporary stockpiling (storage) of earth conforming to the following:
(a) Requirements. Temporary stockpiling shall:
(1) not exceed 7,000 cubic yards and cover an area less than one acre in size;
(2) be on a single lot;
(3) not be on or across or affect any surface water body or divert existing drainage;
(4) not have a fill bank in excess of 6 feet measured vertically from the toe of the slope to the top of the slope;
(5) not exceed 18 months (or such shorter period as the County Official may require in the permit) from the date any stockpiled material is initially placed, to the date all material has been removed;
(6) not result in exposed fill slopes steeper in average slope than two horizontal to one vertical, including benches and roundings to ensure stability and reduce visual impacts;
(7) include, on the face of all fill slopes in excess of three feet in vertical height, installation and maintenance of measures to protect against erosion and instability and so that run-off water leaving the premises will not contain sand, silt or other debris, and will comply with Title 6, Division 7, Chapter 8 of this code.
(8) conform to the setbacks stated in Section 87.412(a) and (b) of this Division;
(9) involve placement of material only on areas which have been previously excavated or disturbed and which contain no significant habitat value, designated scenic area, or mapped geologic hazards; and complies with Sections 87.212 and 87.213 of this Chapter, regarding specified sensitive areas; and
(10) involve only material for use on the site, not for export, sales or borrow operations.
(b) Application and Plan. The application shall be signed by the owner of the land upon which the earth is to be stockpiled and be accompanied by a stockpiling plan, grading plan or improvement plan. The application or the plan shall include the following:
(1) a certification that the fill material is for use exclusively on site;
(2) a description of the proposed ultimate use of the stockpiled material;
(3) a vicinity sketch, property lines, the location of all structures in the within 100 feet of the proposed stockpile and those on adjacent properties if within fifteen feet of the property line, contour lines showing the topography of the existing ground, with a maximum contour interval of five feet; the quantity of fill involved; elevations, dimensions, location, extent and slopes of all proposed stockpile areas, the setbacks from all structures and property lines as stated in Section 87.412 of this Division; the extent and square footage of the total footprint of the area proposed to be covered by the stockpiled material; all drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams, stormwater protection best management practice devices or other protective devices to be constructed, including all temporary construction erosion and sediment control devices; a map of the drainage area of the land tributary to the site; and dust control measures sufficient to comply with Section 87.428 of this Division.
(c) Security. At the time of permit issuance, the applicant shall enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 87.304 of this Division, secured by a cash deposit, to assure the future permanent placement or removal of the stockpiled material.
(Added by Ord. No. 9634 (N.S.), effective 4-23-04; amended by Ord. No. 9926 (N.S.), effective 4-11-08)