A.   General Provisions: The provisions of Title 2, Chapter 2.07 of this code shall apply to the historic landmark commission except as otherwise set forth in this section.
   B.   Creation: The historic landmark commission was created pursuant to the enabling authority granted by the Historic District Act, Section 11-18-1 et seq., of the Utah Code (repealed), and continues under the authority of Utah Code Section 10-8-85.9 and the Land Use Development and Management Act, Utah Code Chapter 10-9a.
   C.   Jurisdiction and Authority: The historic landmark commission shall:
      1.   Review and approve or deny an application for a certificate of appropriateness pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21A.34 of this title;
      2.   Participate in public education programs to increase public awareness of the value of historic, architectural and cultural preservation; Communicate the benefits of historic preservation for the education, prosperity, and general welfare of residents, visitors and tourists;
      3.   Review and approve or deny applications for the demolition of contributing principal structures in the H Historic Preservation Overlay District pursuant to Chapter 21A.34 of this title;
      4.   Review designations, amendments to and boundaries of a local historic district, thematic designation and landmark sites, and make a recommendation to the planning commission and the city council;
      5.   Make recommendations on applications for zoning amendments involving properties within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District when requested by the applicant, planning director, planning commission or the city council;
      6.   Review and approve or deny certain modifications to dimensional standards for properties located within an H Historic Preservation Overlay District. This authority is also granted to the planning director or designee for applications within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District that are eligible for an administrative decision by the planning director or zoning administrator. The certain modifications to zoning district specific development standards are listed as follows and are in addition to any modification authorized elsewhere in this title:
         a.   Overall building and accessory structure height;
         b.    Building and accessory structure wall height;
         c.   Accessory structure square footage;
         d.   Fence and retaining wall height;
         e.   Signs pursuant to Section 21A.46.070 of this title; and
         f.   Any modification to bulk and lot regulations, except density, of the underlying zoning district where it is found that the proposal complies with the applicable standards identified in Section 21A.34.020 and is compatible with the surrounding historic structures;
      7.   Make recommendations to the planning commission in connection with the preparation of the general plan of the city;
      8.   Make recommendations to the city council on design guidelines, policies and ordinances that may encourage preservation of buildings and related structures of historical and architectural significance;
      9.   Review historic resource surveys for designations and all subsequent updates and make recommendations to the planning commission and the city council;
      10.   Review National Register of Historic Places nominations or amendments and make a recommendation to the Utah Board of State History; and
      11.   Recommend to the city council development of incentive programs, either public or private, to encourage the preservation of the city's historic resources.
   D.   Membership: The historic landmark commission shall consist of at least five (5) and up to eleven (11) voting members appointed in a manner providing balanced geographic, professional, neighborhood and community interests representation.
      1.   The planning director (or the planning director's designated representative) shall serve as an ex officio member without vote.
      2.   Appointment to a position created by any vacancy shall not be included in the determination of any person's eligibility to serve two (2) consecutive full terms.
   E.   Qualifications of Members: Each voting member shall be a resident of the city interested in preservation and knowledgeable about the heritage of the city. Members shall be selected so as to ideally provide representation from the following groups of experts and interested parties whenever a qualified candidate exists:
      1.   At least two (2) architects, and
      2.   Residents at large possessing preservation related experience in archaeology, architecture, architectural history, construction, history, folk studies, law, public history, real estate, real estate appraisal, or urban planning.
   F.   Meetings: The historic landmark commission shall meet at least once per month or as needed.
   G.   Commission Action: A simple majority of the voting members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be required for any action taken.
   H.   Public Hearings: The historic landmark commission shall schedule and give public notice of all public hearings pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21A.10 of this title.
   I.   Removal of a Member: Any member of the historic landmark commission may be removed by the mayor for violation of this title or any policies and procedures adopted by the historic landmark commission following receipt by the mayor of a written complaint filed against the member.
   J.   Policies and Procedures: The historic landmark commission shall adopt policies and procedures for the conduct of its meetings, the processing of applications and for any other purposes considered necessary for its proper functioning. (Ord. 40-24, 2024: Ord. 67-23, 2023: Ord. 64-21, 2021: Ord. 56-14, 2014)