The amount of off street vehicle parking required pursuant to Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking", may be adjusted by the factors listed in this section. These adjustments may be applied as part of the calculation of parking requirements and do not require discretionary approval by the City.
   A.   Limitations on Adjustments to Minimum Required Parking: With the exception of reductions available for Affordable and Senior Housing, the adjustments listed in Subsections 21A.44.050.B through 21A.44.050.G may be used in any combination, but shall not be combined to reduce the minimum required parking established in Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking", by more than forty percent (40%).
   B.   Shared Parking:
      1.   Shared Parking for Two or More Uses:
         a.   Where two (2) or more uses listed in Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking", share a parking garage or parking lot that is located on one of the properties that is sharing parking, or is located within the maximum permitted distance of all of the properties sharing parking shown in Table 21A.44.060-B, "Maximum Distances for Off-Site Parking", the total minimum off street parking requirement for those uses may be reduced by the factors shown in Table 21A.44.050-A, "Shared Parking Reduction Factors".
         b.   The minimum number of off street parking spaces shall be the sum of the parking requirements for the uses divided by the factor shown in Table 21A.44.050-A, "Shared Parking Reduction Factors", for that combination of uses.
      Example: If a five thousand (5,000) square foot art gallery shared a parking lot with a five thousand (5,000) square foot retail goods establishment, and a one hundred (100) unit multi-family residential use in the Urban Center Context, the minimum off street parking required would be calculated as follows:
         Use 1: Art Gallery
            0.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. x (5,000 sq. ft.) = 3 parking spaces
         Use 2: Retail Goods Establishment
            1 per 1,000 sq. ft. x (5,000 sq. ft.) = 5 parking spaces
         Use 3: Multi-Family Residential
            0 per studio unit x (20 studio units) = 0 parking spaces
            0.5 per 1 bedroom unit x (36 1 bedroom units) = 18 parking spaces
            1 per 2+ bedroom units x (44 2+ bedroom units) = 44 parking spaces
            0+18+44 = 62 parking spaces
         Sum of two largest minimum parking requirements:
            5 (retail goods establishment) + 62 (multi-family) = 67 parking spaces
         Reduction Factor (two largest minimums):
            67 ÷ 1.2 reduction factor = 55.8 or 56 parking spaces
         Add Remaining Minimum(s):
            56 (retail & multi-family) + 3 (art gallery) = 59 parking spaces required
Property Use
Multi-Family Residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food and Beverage, Recreation and Entertainment, or Lodging
Retail Sales
Other Non-Residential
Property Use
Multi-Family Residential
Public, Institutional, or Civic
Food and Beverage, Recreation and Entertainment, or Lodging
Retail Sales
Other Non-Residential
Multi-Family Residential [1]
Public, Institutional and Civic
Food and Beverage, Recreation and Entertainment, or Lodging
Retail Sales
Other Non- Residential
[1] Applies to multi-family residential, assisted living facility (large), group home (large), and residential support (large) uses
      2.   Documentation Required:
         a.   The owners of record involved in the joint use of shared parking shall submit written documentation of the continued availability of the shared parking arrangement to the Transportation Director for review.
         b.   The Director shall approve the shared parking arrangement if the Director determines that the documentation demonstrates the continued availability of the shared parking facility for a reasonable period of time. No zoning or use approval shall be issued until the Director has approved the shared parking documentation.
         c.   If the shared parking arrangement is later terminated or modified and the Director determines that the termination or modification has resulted in traffic congestion, overflow parking in residential neighborhoods, or threats to pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicle safety, the property owners involved in the shared parking arrangement may be held in violation of this chapter.
   C.   Proximity to Fixed-Rail Transit: Required parking for a development located within one-quarter mile (when measured radially in a straight line from the subject property line) of a fixed-rail transit station platform in the General Context, Neighborhood Center Context, and Urban Center Context areas may be reduced by up to twenty-five percent (25%). This shall not apply to single or two-family uses including: single-family (attached or detached), twin homes, or two-family.
   D.   Affordable and Senior Housing (Multi-Family Structures): The minimum number of required off street parking spaces for multi-family residential developments with at least ten (10) dwelling units may be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) if the multi-family development has:
      1.   A minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the dwelling units are restricted to residents with no greater than sixty percent (60%) area median income (AMI) for leased units; or
      2.   A minimum of thirty-five percent (35%) of the dwelling units are restricted to residents with no greater than eighty percent (80%) AMI for sale units; or
      3.   A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the dwelling units are restricted to persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older.
      For a development that meets any of the scenarios above, an additional reduction of up to fifteen percent (15%) may be allowed when the development is located within one-quarter mile (when measured radially in a straight line from the subject property line) of a bus stop that is serviced by the same route at least every fifteen (15) minutes during daytime hours, Monday - Saturday.
      The reductions for affordable and senior housing can be combined with any other allowed reductions for a combined total not to exceed eighty percent (80%).
   E.   Car Pool and Carshare Parking:
      1.   For parking lots with one hundred (100) or more parking spaces, each off street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared car pool vehicle shall count as three (3) spaces toward the satisfaction of minimum off street vehicle parking requirements.
      2.   For parking lots with one hundred (100) or more parking spaces, each off street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a shared vanpool vehicle shall count as seven (7) spaces toward the satisfaction of minimum off street vehicle parking requirements.
      3.   For parking lots of any size, each off street parking space designated and signed for the exclusive use of a carshare vehicle shall count as four (4) spaces toward the satisfaction of minimum off street vehicle parking requirements.
   F.   Valet Parking Services: Modifications to minimum on site parking spaces may occur on a one-to-one basis if off site valet parking is provided and:
      1.   The design of the valet parking does not cause customers who do not use the valet services to park off the premises or cause queuing in the right-of-way;
      2.   The availability of valet parking service is clearly posted outside the establishment and near the main entrance; and
      3.   The applicant provides adequate written assurances for the continued operation of the valet parking, and a written agreement to notify future owners and tenants of the property of the duty to continue to provide off-site valet parking.
   G.   Parking Study Demonstrating Different Parking Needs:
      1.   The transportation director, in consultation with the planning director, may authorize a change in the amount of off street parking spaces. The authorization shall be based on the applicant submitting a parking study that demonstrates a different off street parking demand for the proposed development, use, or combination of uses than calculated from Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking", and subject to the overall limits on parking adjustments in Subsection 21A.44.050.A above.
      2.   The transportation director and planning director shall determine whether the information and assumptions used in the study are reasonable and whether the study accurately reflects anticipated off street parking demand for the proposed development, use, or combination of uses.
      3.   Considerations for an alternative parking requirement (parking provided below the minimum required or exceeding the maximum allowed) shall be granted only if the following findings are determined:
         a.   That the proposed parking plan will satisfy the anticipated parking demand for the use;
         b.   That the proposed parking plan will be at least as effective in maintaining traffic circulation patterns, reducing the visibility of parking areas and facilities as would strict compliance with the otherwise applicable off street parking standards;
         c.   That the proposed parking plan does not have a materially adverse impact on adjacent or neighboring properties;
         d.   That the proposed parking plan includes mitigation strategies for any potential impact on adjacent or neighboring properties; and
         e.   That the proposed alternative parking plan is consistent with applicable city plans and policies. (Ord. 67-22, 2022)