21A.18.010: Purpose Statement
21A.18.020: Authority
21A.18.030: Parties Entitled To Seek Variances
21A.18.040: Procedures
21A.18.050: Prohibited Variances
21A.18.060: Standards For Variances
21A.18.070: Variance Less Than Requested
21A.18.080: Conditions On Variances
21A.18.090: Effect Of Granting A Variance
21A.18.100: Limitations On Variances
21A.18.110: Appeal Of Decision
21A.18.120: Stay Of Decision
The variance procedures are intended to provide a narrowly circumscribed means by which relief may be granted from unforeseen particular applications of this title that create unreasonable hardships. When such hardships may be more appropriately remedied, if at all, pursuant to other provisions of this title, the variance procedure is inappropriate. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(9-1), 1995)
As described in section 21A.06.040 of this title, the appeals hearing officer may grant variances from the provisions of this title only in compliance with the procedures set forth in section 21A.18.040 of this chapter and only in accordance with each of the standards enumerated in section 21A.18.060 of this chapter. (Ord. 8-12, 2012)