For the purpose of this chapter the term "city board" or "board" means the following city boards, commissions, councils, and committees:
Accessibility and disability commission
Airport board
Board of appeals and examiners
Business advisory board
Citizens' compensation advisory committee
City and county building conservancy and use committee
Community development and capital improvement programs advisory board
Community recovery committee
Fire code board of appeals
Golf enterprise fund advisory board
Historic landmark commission
Housing trust fund advisory board
Human rights commission
Library board
Parks, natural lands, trails, and urban forestry advisory board
Planning commission
Public utilities advisory committee
Racial equity in policing commission
Salt Lake art design board
Salt Lake City arts council board
Salt Lake City sister cities board
Transportation advisory board (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Ord. 1-24, 2024: Ord. 17-22, 2022: Ord. 5-22, 2022: Ord. 50-21, 2021: Ord. 54-19, 2019: Ord. 12-16, 2016)
A. Appointments of city board members shall be made by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council unless otherwise provided by this code or other law regarding a particular city board.
B. City boards should represent a cross section of the city. To ensure that a cross section is represented, the city council should apply the following criteria in considering appointments to city boards:
1. Individuals should serve on only one board at a time, unless explicitly permitted in this code or other law.
2. City boards should have representatives from all geographic areas of the city.
3. Individuals who have not been involved in city government should be encouraged to participate through appointment to city boards.
4. Equal opportunity principles should be recognized in appointments.
5. Appointees should be city residents unless an exception in this code or other law applicable to a particular city board provides otherwise.
C. 1. Employees of Salt Lake City Corporation, whether merit or appointed, shall not be eligible for membership on a city board unless an exception in this code or other law applicable to a particular board allows such appointments.
2. For purposes of this section, an individual will not be considered a city employee simply because they receive compensation from the city for serving on a city board or commission; and the fact that an individual receives such compensation will not disqualify them from serving on city boards and commissions.
D. Spouses and family members of city employees may be considered for appointment to a city board when the board is not advisory to the employee's department or job responsibilities. (Ord. 36-23, 2023: Ord. 17-22, 2022: Ord. 5- 22, 2022: Ord. 12-16, 2016)
A. Appointments to a city board shall be made for a four (4) year term, except when:
1. A provision of this code applicable to a particular board specifies a different term; or
2. An appointment is to fill the unexpired term of a resigning, removed, or deceased board member, in which case, an appointment shall be for the unexpired term.
B. Board members shall be limited to two (2) consecutive terms or eight (8) years in office, whichever is greater.
C. A board member whose term has expired may continue to serve until a replacement board member is appointed. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
City board members are subject to the city's conflict of interest ordinance, chapter 2.44 of this title, and the municipal officers' and employees' ethics act, section 10-3-1301 et seq., Utah Code Annotated, as amended, or its successor. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)