General Provisions
94.001 Approval, acceptance of new streets
94.002 Moving of buildings
94.003 Damaging street with machinery or equipment
94.004 Placing objects on street or sidewalk
94.005 Assembly on street or sidewalk
94.006 Vehicles dropping debris on street
House Numbering
94.015 Buildings to be numbered
94.016 Method of numbering
94.017 Expense
94.018 Size and location of numbers
Control of Vegetation and Obstructions Near Streets
94.030 Violation of subchapter; obstructing enforcement of subchapter
94.031 Visibility at intersections
94.032 Notice to abate
94.033 Abatement by town
Excavation and Repair
94.040 Purpose
94.041 Definitions
94.042 Projects requiring approval
94.043 Location of facilities
94.044 Permit required; exception
94.045 Utility right-of-way master permit required
94.046 Powers reserved
94.047 Utility facility installation, maintenance, repair, and removal
94.048 Utility pavement/sidewalk cuts
94.049 Lane closure/traffic control
94.050 English proficiency required
94.051 Additional violations
94.052 Fees and deposits
94.053 Process for amending rules and regulations
94.054 Administration and enforcement
94.055 Civil penalties
94.056 Administrative enforcement
94.057 Appeals
Parades and Processions
94.060 Definitions
94.061 Conformance to subchapter provisions
94.062 Permit required
94.063 Application for permit
94.064 Conditions of issuance
94.065 Denials; public hearing
94.066 Compliance with provisions
94.067 Hours permitted
94.068 Maximum number per day
94.069 Routes, schedules
94.070 Regulation of parking
94.071 Driving through funeral processions
94.999 Penalty
Picketing, see Chapter 130
Statutory reference:
Municipal authority relative to streets and sidewalks, see G.S. §§ 160A-296 et seq.