A-901.1 Reference: All permits, licenses, certificates and services established by the technical codes for which the City has established a fee, shall be subject to such fee as set forth in this Chapter.
A-901.2 Pre-requisite: 228 An application shall not be accepted, a permit, license or certificate shall not be issued, nor a listed service performed until the designated fees have been paid. Where it is found that final payment of such fees has not been made, the permit, license or certificate may be revoked.
A-901.3 Multiple fees: 229 The payment of the fee for a particular permit, license or service shall not relieve the permit holder, license holder or applicant from the payment of fees that are prescribed for other permits, licenses and services associated with the activity, project or premises.
A-901.4 Frequency: License fees are annual with the license year as determined by the department and permit fees are per occasion unless indicated otherwise. Service and miscellaneous fees are as stated.
A-901.5 Refund of permit fees: 230 Where the work authorized by a permit is not commenced, a request for refund of the permit fee shall be accepted on forms provided by the department within one year from the date of permit issuance. An approved refund shall not exceed fifth percent (50%) of the permit fee minus a two hundred dollar ($200) processing fee.
A-901.6 Fee Basis: Permit and occupancy fees shall be calculated separately for each property.
A-901.7 Filing fees: 231 The department is authorized to require non-refundable application fees to be charged upon application for permits and licenses. The amount of such fees shall be as set forth in this Chapter or as otherwise established by regulations of the department. Payment of such fees shall be applied as a credit upon charge for the applicable permit or license fee.
A-901.8 Rough-in permits: 232 The Department is authorized to issue permits for the rough-in of various utility systems, service systems and other building systems or elements as authorized by the Department from time to time, where such work is applied for in advance of the application for the complete system or element installation. Each type of system or element shall be applied for separately and shall require a permit fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150).
A-901.9 Annual permits: 233 Where annual permits are issued pursuant to Section A-302.7, the fee shall be one thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350) per year, payable on a schedule established by the Department.
A-901.10 Accelerated plan review: 234 The department is authorized to provide accelerated review of plans associated with the issuance of any permit required under Title 4 or 14 of this Code. The fees and charges for this service shall be in addition to any permit fee otherwise set forth in this Chapter, and shall be published in appropriate schedules.
   A-901.10.1 Additional accelerated plan review fee: The additional cost-based fee for accelerated review shall be three hundred fifty dollars ($350) per application, or such other amount as may be established by the department by regulation. Such amount shall neither exceed the costs to administer and provide accelerated review services nor exceed three hundred fifty dollars ($350) multiplied by the fraction of the most recently published Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) All Items Index, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as of the effective date of the proposed fee increase, divided by the most recently published CPI-U as of July 1, 2020.
      A-901.10.1.1 The accelerated review fee shall be paid at the time the application is submitted and is non-refundable.
      A-901.10.1.2 There shall be no additional cost-based fee for accelerated review of a plumbing, electrical, mechanical or fire suppression system permit application that is requested at the same time as accelerated review of a building permit application for the same project.
   A-901.10.2 Accelerated plan review surcharges:
      A-901.10.2.1 A surcharge of one thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($1,650) shall be added for accelerated review in connection with a building permit application.
      A-901.10.2.2 A surcharge of seven hundred dollars ($700) per permit application shall be added for accelerated review in connection with all other permit applications, including for each zoning, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire suppression system, total demolition and signage permit application.
      A-901.10.2.3 There shall be no surcharge for accelerated review of a plumbing, electrical, mechanical or fire suppression permit application that is requested at the same time as accelerated review of a building permit application for the same project.
      A-901.10.2.4 Such surcharges shall be payable prior to receipt of the permit(s) and are in addition to any cost-based fee charged pursuant to subsection A-901.10.1 or another provision of the Code.
      A-901.10.2.5 Disputes concerning payment or the amount of any surcharge pursuant to this subsection A-901.10.2 shall be governed by Chapter 19-1700 ("Review, Refunds and Compromises").
A-901.11 Administrative fees: 235 Fees for items that require the Department to provide non-routine or personalized administrative services, shall be as follows. The Department is authorized to revise such fees or establish fees by regulation for any other similar services to cover the costs of program administration. The fee for services that are provided shall be in addition to any permit or license fee set forth in this Chapter or as required by an Act of the Commonwealth.
For amending or transferring permits . . . . . $50
For copies of licenses, permits and certificates . . . . . $15
For replacement of a photo ID license, certificate or permit . . . . . $25
For processing a permit extension request before permit expiration . . . . . $50
   Exception: Owner occupied one-family dwellings . . . . . No fee
For processing a permit reinstatement request . . . . . $50
   Exception: Owner occupied one-family dwellings . . . . . No fee
For the electronic storage of building plans for future retrieval . . . . . $4 per page
For the issuance of each approved permit for which a surcharge is required pursuant to Act 157 of 2006 236 . . . . . $3 per permit
A-901.12 Inspection fee: 237 The Department is authorized to charge inspection fees in accordance with Sections A-901.12.1 through A-901.12.3.
   A-901.12.1 Permit reinspection fee: 238 The Department is authorized to charge a reinspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for each additional inspection that is required as a result of the need to re-schedule a scheduled permit inspection for one or more of the following reasons, and the Department shall have the discretion to require that such fee be paid in advance of any re-inspection:
      1.   The work is not constructed in accordance with the applicable code;
      2.   The work is not ready for inspection;
      3.   Access to the work to be inspected is not provided; or
      4.   A violation of the code is observed during a permit inspection.
   A-901.12.2 Code violation reinspection fee: 239 When, upon reinspection, the Department determines that a condition previously found not in compliance with a provision of the technical codes or regulations promulgated thereunder continues not to be in compliance, the Department is authorized to charge a further reinspection fee for all second and subsequent reinspections, as follows:
      Second reinspection . . . . . $100
      Third reinspection . . . . . $200
      Fourth and subsequent reinspections . . . . . $350
      A-901.12.2.1 License or permit suspension: 240 In addition to other penalties provided for in this code, any person who fails to remit the required reinspection fee to the Department when requested, shall have his or her license or permit to conduct the business activity or operation suspended, and the business activity or operation shall cease until the payment of fees owed has been received by the Department.
   A-901.12.3 After hours inspection fee: 241 A fee of sixty dollars ($60) per hour, with a minimum charge of four hours, shall be charged to any person requesting an inspection be performed at any time other than ordinary working hours for inspections.
A-901.13 Work without or in excess of a permit or license: 242 In addition to the permit or license fee, an inspection fee equal to the permit or license fee shall be imposed when work has commenced without first obtaining the required permit(s) or license(s).
A-901.14 Contract submission: The department is authorized to require the applicant to submit a copy of the original executed contract(s) to validate the declared scope and/or value of construction. Such copy shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the permit or prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Approval, at the department's option.
A-901.15 License and permit fee revisions: 243 The Department, by regulations effective on or after July 1, 2018, is authorized to revise the fees established in Sections A-902 through A-907 of this Chapter, or adopt fees not otherwise provided for in such Sections, based upon the costs to administer and enforce the applicable programs and services, provided that no fee shall be increased to an amount higher than the fee as it existed on July 1, 2017, multiplied by the CPI Multiplier, as defined in Section 9-102 of the Code.
   A-901.15.1 A schedule of all current fees shall be maintained on the Department's website.



   Amended, Bill No. 000348 (approved August 11, 2000), effective July 1, 2000. Amended, Bill No. 030780 (approved December 31, 2003).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 050267 (approved June 15, 2005); amended, Bill No. 120897 (approved January 14, 2013); amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017; amended, Bill No. 190767 (approved November 12, 2019), effective July 1, 2020.
   Amended, Bill No. 050267 (approved June 15, 2005); amended, Bill No. 070821 (approved November 15, 2007); amended, Bill No. 080853 (approved December 8, 2008); amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Added, Bill No. 080853 (approved December 8, 2008).
   Amended, Bill No. 040422 (approved June 3, 2004); amended, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017.
   Amended, Bill No. 040422 (approved June 3, 2004); amended, Bill No. 130691-A (approved February 19, 2014). See note 87 for effective date provisions.
   Amended, Bill No. 040422 (approved June 3, 2004).
   Amended, Bill No. 040422 (approved June 3, 2004).
   Renumbered Bill No. 040422 (approved June 3, 2004).
   Amended, Bill No. 130691-A (approved February 19, 2014). See note 87 for effective date provisions.
   Added, Bill No. 170167 (approved April 4, 2017), effective July 1, 2017; amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).