General Provisions
   156.001   Short title
   156.002   Definitions
   156.003   Interpretation, exemptions and the like
   156.004   General performance standards
Zoning Districts
   156.015   Establishment of districts and Zone Map
   156.016   Interpretation of district boundaries
   156.017   Application of district regulations
   156.018   Additional areas which may become subject to zoning
   156.019   A-1 Prime Agriculture District
   156.020   R-1 Single-Family Residence District
   156.021   R-1A Single-Family Residence District
   156.022   R-1B Single-Family Residence District
   156.023   R-1C Mobile Home Park District
   156.024   R-2 General Residence District
   156.025   R-3 Residential District
   156.026   B-1 Local Business District
   156.027   B-2 Roadside Business District
   156.028   B-2A Commercial Corridor District
   156.029   I-1 Enclosed Industrial District
   156.030   I-2 Open Industrial District
   156.031   FP Floodplain District
   156.032   UD Unit Development Plan District
   156.033   Infrastructure Development Zone
   156.034   Contingent uses
Special Uses and Exceptions
   156.045   General provisions
   156.046   Procedure
   156.047   Board review
   156.048   Board approval or rejection
   156.049   Expansion of approved special uses or special exceptions
   156.050   Special uses or special exception in Floodplain Districts
   156.051   Special exceptions and districts where they may be permitted
   156.052   Wireless telecommunications towers
   156.053   Development standards
General Regulations
   156.065   Nonconforming buildings and uses
   156.066   Nonconforming lot areas and widths
   156.067   Building setback lines
   156.068   Yard exceptions
   156.069   Access and frontage
   156.070   One primary building per lot
   156.071   Conversions
   156.072   Manufactured home and mobile home permitted
   156.073   Height
   156.074   Supplemental business standards
   156.075   Accessory uses
   156.076   Temporary uses
   156.077   Home occupations
   156.078   Off-street parking and loading
   156.079   Lot and yard requirements
   156.090   Definitions
   156.091   Application
   156.092   Advertising signs or billboards
   156.093   Business signs
   156.094   Center identification signs
   156.095   Accessory signs and sign structures
   156.096   Maintenance and removal
   156.097   General provisions
Planned Unit Developments
   156.110   Purpose
   156.111   Planned unit development process
   156.112   Origination of proposals
   156.113   Classifications of planned unit development
   156.114   Pre-submission conference
   156.115   Filing procedure
   156.116   Required review meeting
   156.117   Preliminary plan submission requirements
   156.118   Preliminary plan hearing and disposition
   156.119   Approval of final detailed plans for PDCC Zones
   156.120   Approval of final detailed plans for PDRS, PDNR and PDMX Zones
   156.121   Recording approved final detailed plans
   156.122   Amendment of the approved final detailed plans
   156.123   Lapsed and abandoned plan developments
Administrative Procedures
   156.135   Administration
   156.136   Board of Zoning Appeals
   156.137   Soil survey, drainage, erosion and sediment control
   156.138   Filing fees and forms
   156.139   Specifications
   156.140   State Drainage Code requirements
   156.141   Complaints
   156.142   Common nuisance
   156.143   Remedies and enforcement
   156.999   Penalty
§ 156.001 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall hereafter be referred to as the “Advisory Zoning Code of Ohio County, Indiana.”
(Ord. 8-7-12-3, passed 10-10-1961; Ord. passed 1- -2004)