   (A)   Special use decisions. The Board, in approving or rejecting a special use application, shall base its decision upon the following factors as they relate to the listed items in § 156.047(A) through (Y) of this code, concerning the proposed special use:
      (1)   The particular physical suitable of the premises in question for the proposed special use;
      (2)   The economic factors related to the proposed special use, such as cost/benefit to the community and its anticipated effect on surrounding property values;
      (3)   The social/neighborhood factors related to the proposed special use, such as compatibility with existing uses and those permitted under current zoning in the vicinity of the premises under consideration and how the proposed special use will affect neighborhood integrity;
      (4)   The adequacy and availability of water, sewage and storm drainage facilities and police and fire protection; and
      (5)   The effects of the proposed special use on vehicular and pedestrian traffic in and around the premises upon which the special use is proposed.
   (B)   Special exception decisions. A special exception application may be approved by the Board only upon a determination in writing that:
      (1)   The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, in relation to the listed items in § 156.047(A) through (Y) of this code;
      (2)   Concerning the proposed special exception;
      (3)   The use and value of the area adjacent to the premises under consideration will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner;
      (4)   The need for the special exception arises from the applicant’s responsibility to provide public utility service, and not from any condition peculiar to the premises under consideration;
      (5)   It will constitute an unnecessary hardship for the applicant if the special exception is denied, in that there are no existing or approved towers or other structures in the vicinity of the premises under consideration which would be suitable for the collocation of the equipment that the applicant needs to locate in such vicinity, having regard to the following factors:
         (a)   Whether the needed equipment would exceed the structural capacity of such existing or approved towers or structures, as documented by a qualified professional engineer, and whether such towers or structures could be reinforced, modified or replaced to accommodate the needed or equivalent equipment at a reasonable cost;
         (b)   Whether the needed equipment would cause interference materially impacting the usability of existing or planned equipment at such existing or approved towers or structures, as documented by a qualified professional engineer, and whether such interference could be prevented at a reasonable cost; and
         (c)   Whether the needed equipment could be accommodated on such existing or approved towers or structures at a height necessary to function reasonably, as documented by a qualified professional engineer.
      (6)   The approval of the special exception does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan, in that there are no alternative sites suitable (having regard to the factors listed in division (B)(4) above) for the equipment that the applicant needs to locate in the vicinity, which are located in either Business, Industrial or Manufacturing Districts, or on property outside of the jurisdiction or otherwise exempt from the requirements and procedures of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)
   (A)   An approved special use or a special exception may be expanded up to 10% of the approved gross floor area without obtaining further use or special exception approval if the approved use or exception is continued in the expansion, if the particular building height, bulk, setback, yard, parking and the like.
   (B)   Requirements are adhered to if the proper permits for the expansion, such as an improvement location permit, are obtained.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)
   The Board may not exercise special use or special exception approval in any of the Floodplain Districts until the Board has received written approval from the state’s Natural Resources Commission for the proposed special use or special exception, including any reports supplementary thereto.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)
   (A)   Districts where special exceptions may be permitted. The following uses shall require approval as special exceptions. They shall be subject to the specific conditions imposed and improved by the Board of Zoning Appeals:
Special Exception
District(s) in Which Use May be Permitted
Special Exception
District(s) in Which Use May be Permitted
Advertising sign or billboard (§§ 156.090 through 156.097 of this code)
B-2, B-2A, I-1 and FP
Airport or heliport
A-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2, FP
Anhydrous Ammonia or similar liquified fertilizers, storage and distribution (commercial)
A-1, B-2, I-1, I-2
Artificial lake or three or more acres
Assembly halls and grounds
A-1, R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2
Auction arena or sales yard (excluding livestock)
A-1, B-2, B-2A
Bottled gas storage and distribution yard
A-1, I-1, I-2
Building material supply yard (open)
I-1, I-2
Bulk fuel storage or petroleum tank farm (commercial)
I-1, I-2
Cemetery or crematory
Charitable institutions
A-1, R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A
B-2A, R-2
College or university building
R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Commercial greenhouse
A-1, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Contractor’s storage yard
A-1, B-2, B-2A
Daycare center or child development center
B-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2
Family daycare home, large
R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1
Family daycare home, small
R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Farm implement (machinery) sales and service area or building (new or used)
A-1, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Fraternity, sorority and student co-ops in the R-1 and R-2 Districts
A-1, R-2, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Game preserves
A-1, FP
Golf course/country club
Golf driving range
B-2A, I-1, I-2, FP
Grain elevators and related uses
A-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2
Health facility
B-1, B-2, B-2A
A-1, R-1, R-2
Kennel in the A-1 and I-1 Districts
A-1, I-1, I-2
Manufacturing, storage or use of explosives
Mass transportation rights-of-way and trackage, including passenger stations, shelter stations and layover areas for transit vehicles and off-street parking facilities
All except I-1, I-2
Mining operations (i.e., sand or gravel pit, borrow pit, topsoil removal and storage areas)
A-1, I-1, I-2, FP
Mobile home park
A-1, R-1C
Outdoor commercial recreational enterprise
A-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2, FP
Outdoor theater
A-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1
Penal or correctional institution
Private club or lodge which is of a noncommercial character in the A-1 and R-2 Districts
A-1, R-2
Private recreational development (i.e., picnic grounds, fraternal organizations and the like)
A-1, R-2, B-1, B-2, FP
Produce stands, seasonal
All except R-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2
Produce stand, year round
A-1, B-1, B-2, B-2A
Public camp
A-1, FP
Public park or public recreational facilities
Public water wells, water stations, filtration plant, reservoirs and storage tanks
All except I-1, I-2
Public or employee parking area
A-1, R-2
Race track
A-1, I-2
Raising and breeding or non-farm fowl or animals (commercial)
A-1, B-2, RB, GB, I-1, I-2
Recreational vehicle park
A-1, B-2
Restricted commercial farm enterprise (including confined feeding operations
Riding stable
A-1, B-2
Roadside business use in the B-2 District
B-2, B-2A
Sales barn for livestock (resale)
A-1, I-1, I-2
Seasonal hunting and fishing lodge
A-1, FP
Sewage treatment facility (primary use)
Shooting range, outdoor
A-1, FP
A-1, I-2
Special school
R-1, B-1, B-2, B-2A, I-1, I-2
Stadium, coliseum, athletic field
A-1, R-1
Storage of disabled vehicles, temporary
B-2, I-2
Studio, business (art, interior decorating, music and the like)
Telephone exchange or public substation
A-1, I-1
Transmission lines for gas, oil, electricity or other utilities
Transmission (radio, television and the like) and microwave tower(s)
Veterinary hospital for small animals
Wholesale produce terminal or truck freight terminal
Public or commercial sanitary landfills or garbage disposal plants
A-1, A-2
Bed and breakfast
A-1, R-1, R-2
   (B)   Other requirements for special exceptions. Following are specific requirements for special exceptions. The special exceptions are referred to by name and number indicated in division (A) above.
      (1)   Advertising sign or billboard (off-site sign). Development plan to be submitted with application. See §§ 156.090 through 156.097 of this code for specific requirements.
      (2)   Airport or heliport.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Eighty acres for airport.
         (b)   Minimum distance from Residential District or use. One hundred feet.
         (c)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh where accessible to public.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width where abutting residential use; tight screen, effective at all times of the year.
         (e)   Parking. One per employee, plus one per three seats in waiting room.
         (f)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (g)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (h)   Height. Thirty-five feet or as required by appropriate state or federal agency.
         (i)   Other. Prior FAA and state approval.
      (3)   Anhydrous ammonia or similar liquified fertilizers, storage and distribution (commercial).
         (a)   Minimum yards in A-1 District. Front: 300 feet; side (each): 300 feet; rear: 300 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance of parking area or loading berth from Residential District or use. Three hundred feet.
         (c)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh fence where accessible to public.
         (d)   Drainage. Drainage shall be controlled so that liquified fertilizers shall not drain off the premises.
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
      (4)   Artificial lake of three or more acres.
         (a)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh fence where accessible to public.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
      (5)   Assembly halls and grounds.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One acre.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 20 feet; rear: 15 feet.
         (c)   Parking. As determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
         (d)   Noise. Noise should be confined to the premises.
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (f)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (g)   Security. Security (whenever necessary) shall be adequate (as determined by the Board) and furnished by applicant.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (6)   Auction arena or sales yard (excluding livestock).
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Two acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 50 feet; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (c)   Parking space. One per two employees, plus one per each 400 square feet of display, sales and auction area.
         (d)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the premises.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (f)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (g)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (7)   Bottled gas storage and distribution.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 300 feet; side (each): 300 feet; rear: 300 feet.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (c)   Safety. All laws and care shall be observed by the applicant.
      (8)   Building material supply yard (open).
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 300 feet; side (each): 300 feet; rear: 300 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance from Residential District or use. Three hundred feet.
         (c)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (d)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (e)   Screening. Building materials and vehicles shall be screened or located in such a manner so that they will not be visible from the frontal street or adjacent residentially used or zoned property.
         (f)   Parking. One per two employees, plus one per vehicle operated by establishment, plus one per 800 square feet of storage area.
         (g)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (9)   Bulk fuel storage or petroleum tank farm (commercial).
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 300 feet; side (each): 300 feet; rear: 300 feet.
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (d)   Safety. All laws and care shall be observed by applicant.
      (10)   Cemetery or crematory.
         (a)   Minimum area. Ten acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (c)   Landscape plan. Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application. (May be combined with development plan.)
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width, where abutting residential use. Effective at all times of year.
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (f)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (g)   Parking. One per each two employees, plus one per each five acres of area.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (11)   Charitable institutions.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One acre.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 20 feet; rear: 15 feet.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (d)   Parking. As determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
      (12)   Clinic.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Fifteen thousand square feet.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): ten feet; rear 30 feet.
         (c)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width where abutting residential use. Effective at all times of the year.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street (other than an emergency entrance).
         (e)   Parking. One per two employees, plus three per doctor.
      (13)   College.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Parking. One per three students or staff members.
      (14)   Commercial greenhouse. Note: For confined feeding operation, including confined feeding operations, see (B)(47) below.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Twenty-five thousand square feet.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (c)   Parking areas and loading berth minimum distance from Residential District or use. Fifty feet.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
      (15)   Contractor’s storage yard.
         (a)   Parking areas and loading berth minimum distance from Residential District or use. Three hundred feet.
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (16)   Day care center or child development center.
         (a)   Minimum area.
            1.   One hundred square feet of play area provided on same lot as use for each child in attendance.
            2.   Thirty-five square feet of suitable indoor space per session per child shall be provided.
         (b)   Open/recreational space.
            1.   Outdoor play area shall be grassed and enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with fence. Any entry gate shall be securely fastened.
            2.   Outdoor play areas shall be adequately separated from vehicular circulation and parking areas.
         (c)   General safety.
            1.   No portion of a day care center site may be located within 300 feet of gasoline pumps or underground gasoline storage tanks, any other storage tanks or any other storage area for explosive materials.
            2.   Garages shall not be used as designated play areas.
         (d)   Parking. One space for each two adult attendants and one space for each ten children.
         (e)   General standards.
            1.   No noise should be audible beyond lot lines.
            2.   Hours of operation may be restricted by Planning Commission.
         (f)   Traffic safety.
            1.   Day care centers shall create no unsafe conditions for picking up and dropping off children.
            2.   Loading and unloading of children from vehicles shall only be permitted on the driveway, approved parking area or directly in front of the facility.
         (g)   License required. Applicant must obtain a day care center license from the state’s Department of Public Welfare.
      (17)   Family day care home, large.
         (a)   Minimum area.
            1.   One hundred square feet of outdoor play area provided on same lot as use for each child in attendance.
            2.   Thirty-five square feet of suitable indoor space per session per child shall be provided.
         (b)   Open/recreational space.
            1.   Outdoor play area shall be grassed and enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with fence. Any entry gate shall be securely fastened.
            2.   Outdoor play areas shall be adequately separated from vehicular circulation and parking areas.
         (c)   General safety.
            1.   No portion of a day care center site may be located within 300 feet of gasoline pumps or underground gasoline storage tanks, or any other storage areas for explosive materials.
            2.   Garages shall not be used as a designated play area.
         (d)   Parking. One space for each two adult attendants, plus two additional spaces.
         (e)   General standards.
            1.   No noise shall be audible beyond the lot lines.
            2.   Hours of operation may be restricted by Planning Commission.
         (f)   Traffic standards.
            1.   Day care centers shall create no unsafe conditions for picking up and dropping off children.
            2.   Loading and unloading of children from vehicles shall only be permitted on the driveway, approved parking area or directly in front of the facility.
         (g)   Spacing requirements. No facility shall be located closer than 600 feet to another large family day care home.
         (h)   Signs. One sign, not exceeding four square feet and five feet in height may be used to identify the center.
         (i)   No sales. No goods, chattel, wares or merchandise offered for sale therein, except in the B-1, B-2 and B-3 Districts.
         (j)   License required. Applicant must obtain day care home license from the state’s Department of Public Welfare.
      (18)   Family day care home, small.
         (a)   Minimum area.
            1.   One hundred square feet of outdoor play area provided on same lot as use for each child in attendance.
            2.   Thirty-five square feet of suitable indoor space per session per child shall be provided, also.
         (b)   Open/recreational space.
            1.   Outdoor play area shall be grassed and enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with fence. Any entry gate shall be securely fastened.
            2.   Outdoor play areas shall be adequately separated from vehicular circulation and parking areas.
            3.   Outdoor play area cannot be closer than ten feet to any adjoining property.
         (c)   General safety.
            1.   No portion of a day care center site may be located within 300 feet of gasoline pumps or underground gasoline storage tanks, or any other storage area for explosive materials.
            2.   Garages shall not be used as a designated play area.
         (d)   Parking. One space for each two adult attendants, plus two additional spaces.
         (e)   General standards.
            1.   No noise shall be audible beyond the lot lines.
            2.   Hours of operation may be restricted by Planning Commission.
         (f)   Traffic standards.
            1.   Day care centers shall create no unsafe conditions for picking up and dropping off children.
            2.   Loading and unloading of children from vehicles shall only be permitted on the driveway, approved parking area or directly in front of the facility.
         (g)   Spacing requirements. No facility shall be located closer than 600 feet to another small family day care home.
         (h)   Signs. One sign, not exceeding four square feet and five feet in height may be used to identify the center.
         (i)   No sales. No goods, chattel, wares or merchandise offered for sale therein, except in the B-1, B-2 and B-3 Districts.
         (j)   License required. Applicant must obtain day care home license from the state’s Department of Public Welfare.
      (19)   Farm implement (machinery) sales and service.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Dead storage. No dead storage, repair work or dismantling on the lot.
         (c)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
         (d)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (e)   Special setback requirements. Used machinery may be placed temporarily in the rear of the building line in the sales lot, provided that new machinery may be placed temporarily in front of the building line in the B-2 District, but not closer than 20 feet to the front lot line in the B-2 District.
         (f)   Parking. One per two employees, plus one per vehicle operated by the establishment, phis one per 1,000 square feet of display and sales area.
      (20)   Fraternity, sorority and student co-ops.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 20 feet; rear: 15 feet.
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (c)   Parking. One per each two beds, plus one for each employee.
      (21)   Game preserve.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Fence. Adequate wire mesh fence where accessible to public.
      (22)   Golf course or country club.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance of parking area from Residential District or use. Twenty feet.
         (c)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width, where abutting residential use; effective at all times of the year.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (e)   Setback from interior drives. Forty feet.
         (f)   Parking spaces. Thirty.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (h)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (j)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (23)   Golf driving ranges.
         (a)   Golf driving range requirements. Same as (B)(22) above (golf course or country club), except number of parking spaces shall be 20.
      (24)   Grain elevators and related uses.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the limits set forth in § 156.030(C)(9) of this code.
         (c)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 135 feet.
      (25)   Health facility.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Forty thousand square feet, but not less than 1,000 square feet per person cared-for occupant.
         (b)   Minimum yards. In the B-2 District: Front: 80 feet; side: 40 feet; rear: 40 feet. In the other districts, same as requirements for single-family dwelling.
         (c)   Landscape plan. Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application. (May be combined with development plan.)
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width where abutting residential use; tight screen, effective at all times.
         (e)   Parking spaces. One per each five patients or occupants, plus one per each staff member or supervising doctor, plus one per each three employees.
         (f)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (g)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
         (h)   State approval required. Facility must be licensed by the state’s Board of Health in accordance with I.C. 16-10-2.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (j)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
      (26)   Hospital.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Three acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet. (Abutting residential use.)
         (c)   Minimum distance of parking area from Residential District or use. Twenty-five feet.
         (d)   Minimum distance of loading berth from Residential District or use. One hundred feet.
         (e)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width where abutting residential use; effective at all times of the year.
         (f)   Parking spaces. One per four beds, plus one per doctor, plus one per three employees on largest shift, plus one per vehicle.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (h)   Height. Seventy feet.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewer. Approval required.
      (27)   Kennel in the A-1 and I-1 Districts.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Two acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 150 feet; side (each): 150 feet; rear: 150 feet.
         (c)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width, where abutting residential use; effective at all times of the year.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (f)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the premises.
         (g)   Parking. One space per two employees, plus one per 500 square feet of front area used in a waiting room; plus one per five boarded animals, based upon maximum number of animals.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 25 feet.
      (28)   Manufacturing, storage or use of explosives.
         (a)   Development plan to be submitted with application if use involves manufacturing or storage of explosives.
         (b)   Approval of Board of County Commissioners or applicable Town Board required.
      (29)   Marina. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
      (30)   Mass transportation rights-of-way and trackage, including public transportation terminal, passenger stations, shelter stations and layover areas for transit vehicles and off-street parking facilities.
         (a)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (b)   Parking for passenger station. One per ten seats in waiting room plus one per two employees of connected retail use (if any).
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (d)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (e)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
      (31)   Mining operation. 
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 150 feet; side (each): 150 feet; rear: 150 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance from residence district or use. Three hundred feet.
         (c)   Fence. Six-foot woven wire, fence where accessible to public.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width, where abutting residential use; effective at all times of the year.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (f)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (g)   Special. See I.C. 35-7-4-1103: Miscellaneous provisions; use and alienation of mineral resources and forests outside urban areas.
      (32)   Mobile home park.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Area. A mobile home park shall have an area of not less than five acres.
         (c)   Soil. The condition of the soil and ground water level of the proposed park site shall meet the criteria promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. (See § 156.137 of this code.) The site shall not be subject to unpredictable or sudden flooding, subsidence or erosion. Exposed ground surfaces shall be paved, covered with stone screenings or other solid material, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and of eliminating objectionable dust. Exposed ground surfaces shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner.
         (d)   Smoke, noise and odor. The proposed site shall not be exposed to objectionable smoke, noise, odor or other adverse influences.
         (e)   Screening. A dense planting screen not less than 12 feet high and six feet wide shall be located and effectively maintained at all times along all boundary lines except at established entrances and exits serving the park. A basket weave or similar type fence or brick or stone wall may be permitted by the Board instead of a planting screen. The Board may waive any part of these screening requirements temporarily or permanently if adequate screening already exists or if the topography or other conditions so warrant.
         (f)   Use. No part of any park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except such uses that may be for the benefit of and well-being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park; provided, however, that this shall not prohibit the sale of a mobile home located on a mobile home slab on a mobile home lot and connected to the appropriate utilities; provided further, however, that a mobile home sales business may be allowed in the mobile home park upon a showing that said business, and its locations, is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
         (g)   Side, rear and front yards. The tract of land for the proposed park shall have two side yards, each having a minimum of 30 feet in width, a rear yard having a minimum of 30 feet in depth and a front yard having a minimum of 60 feet in depth.
         (h)   Separation. Mobile homes shall be separated from each other and from all other buildings and structures by at least 20 feet. An accessory structure such as an awning, cabana, storage cabinets, carport, windbreak and porch having a floor area exceeding 25 square feet and an opaque roof or top, shall be considered to be part of the mobile home.
         (i)   Mobile home lot area and width. Each mobile home lot shall contain a minimum of 4,000 square feet in area, and shall be at least 40 feet in width.
         (j)   Parking. Each mobile home hot shall contain two automobile parking areas, each of which has a minimum of ten feet in width by 20 feet in length.
         (k)   Mobile home slab. Each mobile home lot shall contain a mobile home slab. The area of the slab shall be improved to provide adequate support for the placement and tie-down of the mobile home so that it is secure against uplift, sliding, rotation and overturning. The slab shall be constructed so that it will not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces. The slab shall be provided with anchors and tie-downs such as cast-in place concrete “dead men,” eyelets imbedded in concrete foundation or runways, screw augers, arrowhead anchors or other devices securing the stability of the mobile home. Anchors and tie-downs shall be placed at least at each corner of the slab and each shall be able to sustain a minimum tensile strength of 2,800 pounds.
         (l)   Distance between slab and interior drive. There shall be a minimum distance of 15 feet between the mobile home slab and an abutting interior park drive.
         (m)   Recreation area. Each park shall provide a recreational area or areas equal in size to at least 8% of the area of the park. Streets, parking areas and park service facility areas shall not be included in the required recreational area.
         (n)   Streets and drives.
            1.   A mobile home park shall be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting streets or roads to each mobile home lot. Such access shall be provided by interior private streets or driveways or other means approved by the Board. No direct access from a front or side street to a mobile home lot shall be permitted except by approved entrances and exits. The park entrance shall be designed to minimize congestion and hazards and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets.
            2.   No parking shall be allowed on the park entrance driveway for a distance of 100 feet from its point of beginning, unless the park entrance drive has a minimum width of 36 feet. Interior driveways, except minor driveways, shall have a minimum width of 28 feet, measured from back to back of curb if provided. Minor driveways shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. Minor driveways having mobile homes abutting on both sides are not acceptable unless the said minor driveways are less than 500 feet long. Minor driveways serving more than 15 mobile homes are unacceptable. Dead end driveways shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length, and shall be terminated at the closed end with a turn-around having an outside roadway diameter of at least 60 feet.
         (o)   Interior driveway construction and design standards.
            1.   All driveways shall be provided with a smooth, hard and dense surface which shall be durable and well drained under normal use and weather conditions. Pavement edges shall be protected to prevent raveling of the wearing surface and shifting of the pavement base. Driveway surfaces shall be maintained so as to be free of cracks, holes and other hazards.
            2.   Grades of all driveways shall be sufficient to ensure adequate surface drainage, but shall not have a grade in excess of 8%; provided, however, that short runs having a maximum grade of 12% may be permitted if traffic safety is assured by appropriate paving, adequate leveling areas and avoidance of lateral curves.
            3.   Within 100 feet of an intersection, streets shall be at approximate right angles. A distance of at least 150 feet shall be maintained between center lines of offset intersection street. Intersections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided.
         (p)   Illumination. Parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries at such mounting heights that all parts of the interior driveway system will have an average level of illumination of 0.3 foot-candle and that potentially hazardous locations such as major driveway intersections, steps and stepped ramps will have an average level of illumination of 0.6 foot-candle. All exterior park lights shall be so located and shielded as to prevent direct illumination of any areas outside the park.
         (q)   Walks. Mobile home parks shall be provided with safe, convenient, all season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable, convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the interior driveways and all community facilities provided for park residents. Sudden changes in alignment and gradient shall be avoided. A common walk system shall he or she provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated. Such common walks shall have a minimum width of two feet.
         (r)   Services. Service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities, such as management offices, repair shops, storage areas, laundry facilities, indoor recreation areas and commercial uses supplying essential goods or services for the exclusive use of the mobile home park occupants, are permitted in the mobile home park, provided that:
            1.   They are subordinate to the residential character of the park; and
            2.   The establishments and the parking areas related to their use shall not occupy more than 10% of the total area of the park.
         (s)   Barbeque pits, fireplaces, stoves and incinerators. Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, wood-burning stoves and incinerators shall be so located, constructed, maintained and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance, both on the property on which used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be permitted except in facilities provided. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors.
         (t)   Refuse handling.
            1.   The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home park shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution. All refuse shall be stored in flytight, watertight, rodent-proof containers, which shall be located not more than 150 feet from any mobile home lot.
            2.   Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse. Refuse collection stands shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such container stands shall be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, minimize spillage and container deterioration and facilitate cleaning around them. All refuse containing garbage shall be collected at last one time weekly. Where suitable collection service is not available from municipal or private agencies, the mobile home park operator shall provide this service. All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers. Where municipal or private disposal service is not available, the mobile home park operator shall dispose of the refuse by incineration or transporting to a disposal site approved by the Health Officer. Refuse incinerators, if provided, shall be constructed in accordance with engineering plans and specifications, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Health Officer or other authority having jurisdiction. Incinerators shall be operated only when attended by some person specifically authorized by the owner or operator of the mobile home park.
         (u)   Electrical distribution system. Every park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. Main power lines not located underground shall be suspended at least 18 feet above the ground. There shall be a minimum horizontal clearance of three feet between overhead wiring and any mobile home, service building or other structure. All direct burial conductors or cables shall be insulated and specially designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one-foot radial distance from water, sewer, gas or communication lines. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and over-current protective equipment. The minimum service per outlet shall be 120/240 volt AC, 100 amperes. Outlets (receptacles or pressured connectors) shall be housed in a weatherproof outlet box, and shall be located not more than 25 feet from the over-current protective device in the mobile home. A three-pole, four-wire grounding type shall be used. Receptacles, if provided, shall be in accordance with American Standard Outlet Receptacle C-73.1 as amended. Connectors, if not substituted by more than one receptacle, shall be provided where the calculated load of the mobile home is more than 100 amperes. The mobile home shall be connected to the outlet box by an approved type of flexible supply cord with a male attachment plug or with pressure connectors. All exposed non-current carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor with branch circuit conductors or other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment.
         (v)   Insect and rodent control. Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with the requirements of the Health Officer. Parks shall be maintained free of accumulation of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests. Storage areas shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage. Lumber, pipe and other building materials shall be stored at least one foot above the ground. Where the potential for insect and rodent infestation exists, all exterior openings in or beneath any structure shall be appropriately screened with wire mesh or other suitable materials. The growth of brush, weeds and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, chiggers and other noxious insects. Parks shall be so maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and other noxious weeds considered detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained free of heavy undergrowth of any description.
         (w)   Fuel supply and storage.
            1.   Natural gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. Each mobile home lot provided with piped gas shall have an approved manual shut-off valve installed upstream of the gas outlet. The outlet shall be equipped with an approved cap to prevent accidental discharge of gas when the outlet is not in use.
            2.   Liquified petroleum gas systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. Systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be arranged so that the discharge terminates at a safe location. Systems shall have at least one accessible means for shutting off gas. Such means shall be located outside the mobile home and shall be maintained in effective operating condition. All LPG piping outside of the mobile homes shall be well supported and protected against mechanical injury. Undiluted, liquified petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems in mobile homes. Liquified petroleum gas containers installed on a mobile home lot shall be securely but not permanently fastened to prevent accidental overturning. Such containers shall not be less than 12 or more than 60 U.S. gallons gross capacity. No liquified petroleum gas vessel shall be stored or located inside or beneath any storage cabinet, carport, mobile home or any other structure, unless such installations are approved by the Fire Chief of the Rising Sun Fire Department.
            3.   All fuel oil supply systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be permanently installed and securely fastened in place. All fuel oil storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely fastened in place and shall not be located inside or beneath any mobile home or less than five feet from any mobile home exit. Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage.
         (x)   Fire protection. Mobile home parks shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and other flammable combustible materials. Portable fire extinguishers rated for Classes B and C fires shall be kept in service buildings and at other locations conveniently and readily accessible for use by all occupants and shall be maintained in good operating condition. Their capacity shall not be less than 20 pounds. Fires shall be made only in stoves, incinerators and other equipment intended for such purposes. Mandatory fire hydrants shall be installed and the park water supply system shall be designed to serve them in accordance with the following requirements.
            1.   The water supply system shall permit the operation of a minimum of two and one-half inch hose streams.
            2.   Each of two nozzles, held four feet above the ground, shall deliver at least 75 gallons of water per minute at a flowing pressure of at least 30 pounds per square inch at the highest elevation point of the park.
            3.   Fire hydrants shall be located within 500 feet of any mobile home, service building or other structure in the park.
         (y)   Water and sewage. The water supply and sewage disposal shall meet the requirements of the state’s Board of Health.
         (z)   State requirements. All state requirements shall be observed. (See I.C. 13-1-7.)
      (33)   Outdoor commercial recreational enterprise.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side: 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance between parking area and Residential District or use. Fifty feet.
         (c)   Entrance. Not more than two entrances from street.
         (d)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the premises.
         (e)   Landscape plan. Landscape plan to be submitted with application. (May be combined with the development plan.)
         (f)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh where accessible to public.
         (g)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width where abutting residential use: tight screen, effective at all times.
         (h)   Setback from interior drives. Forty feet.
         (i)   Parking spaces. One per three employees plus one per 500 square feet of use area.
         (j)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (k)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (l)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 60 feet.
         (m)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (34)   Outdoor theater.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side: 75 feet; rear: 40 feet; Abutting residential use.
         (b)   Fence. Four foot wire mesh abutting residential use.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (d)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (e)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 65 feet.
         (f)   Adequate sewer. Approval required.
      (35)   Penal or correctional institutions.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Two hundred acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side (each): 100 feet; rear: 100 feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance from residential use. Three hundred feet.
         (d)   Parking spaces. As determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (f)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 65 feet.
         (g)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (36)   Private club or lodge, which is of a noncommercial character in the A-1 and R-2 Districts.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One acre.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 25 feet; rear: 25 feet.
         (c)   Parking spaces. One per six active members.
         (d)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (e)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
         (f)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (37)   Private recreational development.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance between parking area and Residential District or use. Twenty-five feet.
         (c)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (d)   Landscape plan. Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application. (May be combined with development plan.)
         (e)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width when abutting residential use; tight screen, effective at all times.
         (f)   Parking spaces. One per each six members, or as determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated, peak parking load requirements.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (h)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (i)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 25 feet.
         (j)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the premises.
      (38)   Produce stands, seasonal.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising sign and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
      (39)   Produce stands, year round.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application
         (b)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (c)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (40)   Public camp.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Five acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance between parking area and Residential District or use. Twenty-five feet.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width effective at all times of the year.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (f)   Parking. One per campsite plus one per cabin.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be combined with application.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (41)   Public park or public recreational facility.
         (a)   Landscape plan. Plan of landscape development to be submitted with application. (May be combined with development plan.)
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (c)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (d)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (42)   Public water wells, water stations, filtration plant, reservoirs and storage tanks.
         (a)   Storage tanks. Proximity to Residence District or use: 100 feet.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (c)   Health laws. All applicable health laws and standards shall be adhered to.
      (43)   Public or employee parking.
         (a)   Masonry wall along front line and other such boundaries the Board considers necessary to protect residential property, except an approved entrance and exit. Minimum four-foot height by six inches thick.
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (44)   Race track.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front: 50 feet; side (each): 40 feet; rear: 40 feet.
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than two entrances from street.
         (c)   Minimum distance between parking area and Residential District or use. Fifty feet.
         (d)   Landscape plan. Landscape plan to be submitted with application. (May be combined with development plan.)
         (e)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (f)   Parking. One parking space for each three seats in grandstand.
         (g)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width between abutting residential use; tight screen, effective at all times of the year.
         (h)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh fence where accessible to public.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (j)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
         (k)   Noise. Noise shall be confined to the premises.
      (45)   Raising and breeding of non-farm fowl and animals, except kennel.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Three acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 yards; side (each): 100 feet; rear: 100 feet.
         (c)   Development plan. Development plan required.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width when abutting residential use, effective at all times of the year.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (f)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 25 feet.
         (g)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (46)   Recreational vehicle park.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Minimum lot area. Five acres.
         (c)   Density. A recreational vehicle park shall have not more than 25 recreational vehicle spaces per acre of gross site area.
         (d)   Separation. Recreational vehicles shall be separated from each other and from all other buildings and structures by at least five feet. An accessory structure such as an awning, cabana, storage cabinet and porch shall be considered to be a portion of the recreational vehicle.
         (e)   Parking. One automobile parking space shall be provided for each recreational vehicle. No parking shall be permitted in the front yard of the park tract of land.
         (f)   Accessory uses. Management offices and storage, playground and picnic equipment, sanitation and laundry facilities, information signs and other structures customarily incidental to a recreational vehicle park shall be permitted as accessory uses.
         (g)   Term of stay in park and limitation of use. Except as otherwise provided herein, each recreational vehicle shall not be used for habitation in the same recreational vehicle park for longer than 180 days in any one calendar year, and shall not be used as a permanent residence.
         (h)   Access. Recreational vehicle parks shall have direct access to an arterial or major thoroughfare with sufficient frontage thereon for the proper construction of entrances and exits. Such entrances and exits shall be designed for the safe movement of recreational vehicles into and out of the park. Only one principal entrance from a major thoroughfare may be provided.
         (i)   Condominium parks permitted. The sale of individual lots to individual lot owners (condominium recreational vehicle park) shall be allowed in a recreational vehicle park. Accordingly, an affirmative statement as to whether or not the sale of individual lots to individual lot owners (condominium recreational vehicle park) shall be allowed and shall be included in the application. If the sale of individual lots to individual lot owners (condominium recreational vehicle park) shall be allowed, then the development plan shall additionally include the number of individual lots to be sold, and the rights and responsibilities of the individual lot owners and the park developers in the park and its management. If the sale of individual lots to individual lot owners (condominium recreational vehicle park) shall be allowed, then a plat of the recreational vehicle park shall accompany the development plan. (Condominiums regulated by I.C. 32-25 may not be regulated by Chapter 151 of this code.)
         (j)   Soil and water. The condition of the soil and ground water level of the proposed park site shall meet the criteria promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. (See § 156.137 of this code.)
         (k)   Smoke, noise and odor. The proposed site shall not be exposed to objectionable smoke, noise, odors or other adverse influences.
         (l)   Screening. A dense planting screen not less than six feet high after five full growing seasons and which at maturity is not less than 12 feet high and six feet wide shall be located and effectively maintained at all times along all boundary lines except at established entrances and exits serving the park. A basket weave or similar type of fence or brick or stone wall may be permitted by the Board instead of a planting screen. The Board may waive any part of these screening requirements temporarily or permanently if adequate screening already exists or if the topography or other conditions so warrant.
         (m)   Side, rear and front yards. The tract of land for the proposed park shall have two side yards, each having a minimum of 30 feet in width, a rear yard having a minimum of 30 feet in depth and a front yard having a minimum of 60 feet in depth.
         (n)   Illumination. Parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries at such mounting heights that all parts of the interior driveway system will have an average level of illumination of 0.3 foot-candle and that potentially hazardous locations, such as major driveway intersections, steps and stepped ramps, will have an average level of illumination of 0.6 foot-candle. All exterior park lights shall be so located and shielded as to prevent direct illumination of any areas outside the park.
         (o)   Barbecue pits, fireplaces, stoves and incinerators. Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, wood-burning stoves and incinerators shall be so located, constructed, maintained and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance, both on the property on which used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be permitted except in facilities provided. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors.
         (p)   Refuse handling. The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the park shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution. All refuse shall be stored in flytight, watertight, rodent proof containers, which shall be located not more than 150 feet from any recreational vehicle lot. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse. Refuse collection stands shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such container stands shall be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, minimize spillage and container deterioration and facilitate cleaning around them. All refuse containing garbage shall be collected at least once weekly. Where suitable collection service is not available from municipal or private agencies, the recreational vehicle park operator shall provide this service. All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers. Where municipal or private disposal service is not available, the park operator shall dispose of the refuse by incineration or transporting to a disposal site approved by the Health Officer. Refuse incinerators, if provided, shall be constructed in accordance with engineering plans and specifications which shall be reviewed and approved by the Health Officer or other authority having jurisdiction. Incinerators shall be operated only when attended by some person specifically authorized by the owner or operator of the recreational vehicle park.
         (q)   Electrical distribution system. Every park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. Main power lines not located underground shall be suspended at least 18 feet above the ground. There shall be a minimum horizontal clearance of three feet between overhead wiring and any recreational vehicle, service building or other structure. All direct burial conductors or cable shall be insulated and specifically designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one foot radial distance from water, sewer, gas or communication lines. Each recreational vehicle lot shall be provided with an approved disconnecting devise and overcurrent protective equipment. The minimum service per outlet shall be 120/240 volt AC, 100 amperes. Outlets (receptacles or pressure connectors) shall be housed in a weather-proof outlet box, and shall be located not more than 25 feet from the over-current protective device in the recreational vehicle. A three-pole, four-wire grounding type shall be used. Receptacles, if provided, shall be in accordance with American Standard Outlet Receptacle C-73.1, as amended. Connectors, if not substituted by more than one receptacle, shall be provided where the calculated load of the recreational vehicle is more than 100 amperes. The recreational vehicle shall be connected to the outlet box by an approved type of flexible cord with a male attachment plug or with pressure connectors. All exposed non-current carrying metal parts of vehicles and all other equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor or other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for recreational vehicles or other equipment.
         (r)   Insect and rodent control. Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with the requirements of the Health Officer. Parks shall be maintained free of accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests. Storage areas shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage; lumber, pipe and other building materials shall be stored at least one foot above the ground. Where the potential for insect and rodent infestation exists, all exterior openings in or beneath any structure shall be appropriately screened with wire mesh or other suitable materials. The growth of brush, weeks and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, chiggers and other noxious insects. Parks shall be so maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and other noxious weeds considered detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained free of heavy undergrowth of any description.
         (s)   Water and sewage. The water supply and sewage disposal shall meet the minimum requirements of the state’s Board of Health.
         (t)   State requirements. All state requirements shall be observed.
      (47)   Restricted commercial farm enterprise (including confined feeding operations).
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (b)   Air and water pollution control. Air and water pollution control promulgated by I.C. 13-17 (air pollution) and I.C. 13-18 (water pollution) is required.
         (c)   Dead storage. No sales, dead storage, repair work or dismantling on the lot.
         (d)   Parking spaces. As determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
         (e)   Signs and lighting. Signs and artificial lighting require Board approval.
         (f)   Maximum height of structure. Thirty-five feet.
         (g)   Confined feeding operation; distance requirement. Minimum distance from the boundary of any pre-existing Residence or Business District (other than an A-1 District), or a residential subdivision of land, or building used for residential purposes, other than the residence of the owner, his or her tenants(s) or operator(s) of the operation, or school or church use shall be 1,320 feet.
         (h)   Confined feeding operation; health approval required. Approval by the Division of Water Pollution Control the state’s Board of Health, is required for confined feeding operations in accordance with I.C. 13-18-10.
         (i)   Confined feeding operation; noise and odor. Noises and odors normal to the storage, feeding, handling and production of farm animals shall be deemed acceptable. The recommended applicable guidelines promulgated by the following publications, as revised (latest issue), shall be required by the Board concerning methods of waste handling and disposal guidelines:
            1.   Waste Handling and Disposal Guidelines for Indiana Swine Producers, 10-83, 1972, by Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana;
            2.   Waste Handling and Disposal Guidelines for Indiana Poultrymen, ID-82, 1972, by Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana;
            3.   Waste Handling and Disposal Guidelines for Indiana Beef Producers, M-84, 1972, by Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana; and
            4.   Waste Handling and Disposal Guidelines for Indiana Dairymen, ld-81, 1972, by Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.
      (48)   Riding stable.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Two acres, plus 5,000 square feet per horse over four horses.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front, each side and rear yards: 100 feet.
         (c)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width when abutting residential use.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (e)   Parking. One per two employees, plus one per two horses.
         (f)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (g)   Waste disposal. Disposal of wastes shall meet the approval of the state’s Board of Health.
         (h)   Development plan. Development plan shall be submitted with application.
         (i)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (49)   Roadside business in the B-2 District.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Other requirements. See §§ 156.026 and Figure 1 for other requirements.
      (50)   Sales barn for livestock (resale).
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front, each side and rear yards: 300 feet.
         (b)   Minimum distance from Residential District or use. Three hundred feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance between parking area and Residential District or use. Fifty feet.
         (d)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (e)   Parking. One per two employees, plus one per each 400 square feet of display and sales area.
         (f)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (g)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
         (h)   Waste disposal. Disposal of waste shall meet the approval of the state’s Board of Health.
      (51)   Seasonal hunting and fishing lodge.
         (a)   Parking spaces. One per member or as determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated peak parking requirements.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (52)   Sewage treatment facility (primary use).
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Health approval required. Approval by the state’s Board of Health required.
      (53)   Shooting range.
         (a)   Minimum yards. Front, side (each) and rear yards: 300 feet.
         (b)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width.
         (c)   Entrances. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (d)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (54)   Slaughter house.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Five acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front, each side and rear yards: 300 feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance from Residential District or use. Three hundred feet.
         (d)   Minimum distance of parking area from Residential District. Fifty feet.
         (e)   Fence. Six-foot solid painted fence.
         (f)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width (from abutting street).
         (g)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (h)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (j)   Adequate disposal methods. Dead animals and offal shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Board.
         (k)   Parking. One per two employees, plus four additional spaces.
         (l)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (55)   Special school.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Ten thousand square feet.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 25 feet; sides (each): ten feet; rear: ten feet.
         (c)   Fence. Four-foot wire mesh around play area.
         (d)   Parking spaces. One per three employees plus one per six students.
         (e)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
         (f)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (56)   Stadium, coliseum or athletic field.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Five acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: Standard; sides (each): 50 feet; rear: 50 feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance of parking area from Residential District or use. Twenty-five feet.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than two entrances from street.
         (f)   Parking. One space for each four seats in the grandstand, plus three per four employees.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (h)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
         (i)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (57)   Storage of disabled vehicles, temporary.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Three acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front, each side and rear yards: 100 feet where abutting residential use.
         (c)   Minimum distance of parking area from Residential District or use. Twenty-five feet.
         (d)   Fence. Six-foot solid painted fence.
         (e)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width where abutting residential use.
         (f)   Entrance. Not more than one foot from street.
         (g)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (58)   Studio business (art, interior decorating, music and the like).
         (a)   Parking spaces. As determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the expected number of parking spaces the particular type of use would require to satisfy estimated, plan parking load requirements.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (59)   Telephone exchange or public utility substation in the A-1 and I-1 District.
         (a)   Screen planting. Adequate for purpose as determined by Board. (Also along abutting street.)
         (b)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (c)   Parking space. One per employee at or working out of site.
         (d)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (e)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
      (60)   Transmission lines for gas, oil, electricity or other utilities.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
      (61)   Transmission towers (radio, television and the like and micro wave towers). See § 156.053 of this code.
         (a)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (b)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (c)   Height. As required by the appropriate state or federal agency.
      (62)   Veterinary hospital for small animals.
         (a)   Parking. One space per two employees, plus one per doctor, plus two per examining rooms.
         (b)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (c)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
      (63)   Wholesale produce terminal or truck terminal.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. Ten acres.
         (b)   Minimum yards. Front: 100 feet; side (each): 75 feet (abutting residential use), 35 feet (otherwise); rear: 40 feet.
         (c)   Minimum distance from Residential District or use. One hundred feet.
         (d)   Minimum distance of parking from Residential District. One hundred feet.
         (e)   Fence. Six-foot height wire mesh fence.
         (f)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by three-foot width where abutting residential use; tight screen, effective at all times.
         (g)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (h)   Parking spaces. One per two employees on largest shift.
         (i)   Development plan. Development plan to be submitted with application.
         (j)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting shall be approved by the Board.
         (k)   Height. Maximum height of structure: 45 feet.
         (l)   Adequacy of sewers. Approval required.
         (m)   Thoroughfares. Thoroughfares must be adequate.
      (64)   Public or commercial sanitary landfill or garbage disposal plant.
         (a)   Minimum lot area. One hundred acres.
         (b)   Minimum footage. Front: 300 feet; side (each): 300 feet.
         (c)   Fence. Six-foot wire mesh around entire landfill area.
         (d)   Screen planting. Six-foot height by six-foot width surrounding the entire landfill property.
         (e)   Entrance. Not more than one entrance from street.
         (f)   Hazardous waste. No waste classified as hazardous by the EPA shall be permitted unless it is treated in accordance with the EPA standards.
         (g)   Out of county waste. No waste, hazardous or otherwise, generated outside the county shall be permitted in a landfill located in the county.
         (h)   Consent of neighbors. No private landfill shall be permitted unless the notarized consent of 75% of the property owners within a five mile radius of the boundary of the private landfill is first obtained.
         (i)   Dust and mud control. Adequate provisions must be made for the control of dust and mud.
         (j)   Development plan. A development plan including construction and opening of the landfill, day-to-day operation of the landfill, expansion of the landfill, inspection of the landfill, completion of the landfill, closing of the landfill and short-term and long-term liability for the contents of the landfill shall be submitted with the application.
         (k)   State requirements. As a minimum, all state requirements for waste disposal shall be met.
      (65)   Bed and breakfast.
         (a)   Intent. To provide temporary travelers’ accommodations and breakfast, for a fee, on a daily or weekly room rental basis, as an accessory use in an existing structure designed for and occupied as a single-family residence.
         (b)   Type of structure. The use shall be allowed only in older residential structures which are recognized as architecturally, historically or culturally significant, and which, through renovation and use as a bed and breakfast, will contribute significantly to the ambiance, character or economic revitalization of a neighborhood. The exterior appearance of the structure shall not be altered from its single-family character, and no exterior alterations, other than those necessary to ensure the safety of the structure, shall be made to any building for the purpose of providing a bed and breakfast.
         (c)   Septic systems. If public sewer system is not available, the County Sanitation must certify septic system as adequate.
         (d)   Intensity of use. The bed and breakfast use should remain incidental to the primary residential use of the property which will allow reconversion back to a single-family residential use.
         (e)   Number of bedrooms. A maximum of five lodging or bedrooms shall be made available for rent. A bed and breakfast home having more than five bedrooms for rent may be approved if the home is designated as a historic landmark. The potential rental units would be determined by dividing the gross floor area of the structure by 500 square feet.
         (f)   Signs and lighting. Outdoor advertising signs and outdoor artificial lighting must specifically be approved by the Board.
         (g)   Off-street parking. Adequate off-street parking must be provided and it must be specifically approved by the Board.
(Ord. 8-7-12-3, passed 10-10-1961; Ord. 97-12-2, passed 12-15-1997; Ord. 98-8-1, passed 8-3-1998; Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. passed 1- -2004)
   (A)   Zoning. 
      (1)   Towers shall be permitted as special uses only in the Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Districts, and as such are subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (2)   Towers shall be permitted in the Residential Districts only as special exceptions, and as such are subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals under §§ 156.045 through 156.053 of this code.
      (3)   If a tower is located in an overlay zone, it may also be subject to ADLS approval in accordance with the development standards established for that overlay zone.
   (B)   Lighting. A tower may not be illuminated by artificial means or display strobe lights unless such lighting is specifically required by federal or state law for that tower. However, when incorporated into the approved design of a tower, light fixtures that are used to illuminate athletic fields, parking lots, stadiums or other such facilities may be attached to the tower.
   (C)   Landscaping. A 15-foot landscaped and maintained area, composed of trees not less than two and one-half inches (caliper) in size (measured at 40 inches and spaced 50 feet on center), and including a solid visual buffer or screen of at least five feet in height, shall be provided on all sides of a tower, unless otherwise determined by the Commission (pursuant to ADLS review) or unless otherwise required by the Board for a special use or special exception.
   (D)   Signage. No sign (other than a warning or equipment information sign needed for health and safety imposes) may be affixed to a tower.
   (E)   Interference. Any telecommunications services provided or transmitted via a tower must comply with all federal and state laws regulating interference levels and emissions.
   (F)   Collocation. In the case of an application for a special use or special exception seeking approval for the erection of a new tower, the Board shall, before approving such special use or special exception, require the applicant to make a written commitment that:
      (1)   If technologically feasible, the tower will be designated and erected in such manner that it can reasonably accommodate the equipment of up to four wireless telecommunications service providers (however, if a public safety agency wants to locate its equipment on the tower, the agency may be counted as one of those service providers);
      (2)   The owner of the tower will offer to any wireless telecommunications service provider that seeks to collocate its equipment on the tower commercially reasonable lease or license terms, so as to accomplish the purpose of minimizing the number of such towers that must be erected in the Rising Sun/Ohio County community, and agree to submit any disputes regarding the commercial reasonableness of such terms to binding arbitration; and
      (3)   The owner of the tower will notify the Building Inspector within 30 days after any oral or written communication from a wireless telecommunications service provider inquiring about collocation on the tower, providing the Building Inspector with the name and address of the provider making the inquiry.
   (G)   Enforcement. A commitment made under division (F) above shall be recorded pursuant to state statute and may be enforced by the Board, by the Director or by any wireless telecommunications service provider that desires to collocate its equipment on the tower subject to the commitment, if, after 30 days notice from the Board, a person subject to a binding commitment refuses to honor or abide by such commitment, the special use or special exception approval shall be revoked by the Board.
   (H)   Submittal requirements.
      (1)   Plot plan. An application for a permit to erect a tower must include a plot plan showing the proposed location of the tower.
      (2)   Site plan. An application for a permit to erect a tower must include a site plan that shows not only the locations of all structures on the subject parcel but also the locations of all structures on adjacent parcels.
      (3)   Code compliance. An application for a permit to erect a tower must include a report from a qualified professional engineer that:
         (a)   Describes the tower height and design including a cross-section and elevation;
         (b)   Documents the height above grade for all potential mounting positions for collocation of equipment and the minimum recommended separation distances between wireless telecommunications service antennas;
         (c)   Describes the tower’s capacity, including the number and types of antennas that it can accommodate;
         (d)   Documents that the applicant will operate the tower and any attached antennas in compliance with applicable federal and state law;
         (e)   Documents that the applicant has, before filing the application, investigated the possibility of collocation with the owners of all other towers in the vicinity; and
         (f)   Includes any other information that may be reasonably requested by the Director as necessary to evaluate the application.
      (4)   Inspection. Before a tower is placed in service, the owner must submit to the Director a report from a qualified professional engineer that demonstrates that the tower complies with all structural and electrical standards.
   (I)   Abandonment of tower. If a tower is abandoned or remains unused for a period of six months, the owner shall remove the tower and all associated facilities from the site. Such removal shall be completed within 12 months of the cessation of operations at the site. In the event that a tower is not removed within the required 12-month period, the Director may remove the tower and the associated facilities, and the costs of such removal shall be assessed against the owner of the parcel.
   (J)   Nonconforming use. Any tower or radio or television transmission antenna in existence or operation as of the effective date of the ordinance from which this code was derived may continue to exist and operate as a nonconforming use. Such a tower or antenna may be repaired, reconstructed, replaced or maintained without a use variance or special use or special exception approval so long as the use is not substantially altered and the height of the antenna or tower is not increased. This division (J) authorizes the owner of a tower or antenna to construct a new tower or antenna on the same premises at a height not to exceed the existing tower or antenna if the use of the premises is not substantially altered and the existing tower or antenna is removed immediately upon completion of the new tower or antenna.
   (K)   Transitional provisions. This division (K) applies to any application for a variance to erect a tower which is pending before the Board on the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter was derived. The applicant may request that the Board treat such a variance application as if it were a special use or special exception application filed pursuant to the above provisions of this section. If the Board grants such a request, the application shall then be approved or rejected by the Board in accordance with §§ 156.045 through 156.053 of this code, as added by the amendatory ordinance.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)
   (A)   (1)   Upon approval by the appropriate authority, chimney stacks, church spires, monuments, flagpoles, water towers, stage towers or scenery lofts, may be erected to minimum height appropriate unless prohibited by other laws.
      (2)   In the Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Districts, special use approval of a tower (or antenna mounted on another structure) may include an increase in height to not more than 150 feet.
      (3)   In the Residential Districts, special exception approval of a tower (or special use approval of an antenna mounted on another structure) may include an increase in height to not more than 120 feet.
   (B)   On corner lots the minimum buildable width of 28 feet for main buildings is reduced to 22 feet for accessory buildings. In addition, no tower may be erected between a principal building and a street, except in the required side yard in Manufacturing or Industrial Districts.
   (C)   Accessory uses are permitted in the required front yard in the Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Districts. However, a tower must meet all setback requirements of the district in which it is erected, except that in the Industrial and Manufacturing Districts a tower may encroach into the required rear yard so long as the rear property line does not abut a Residential District. In addition, If a tower is permitted as a special exception in a Residential District, the tower must be built:
      (1)   Not less than 100 feet, plus one additional foot for every foot of the tower’s height, from the property line of any parcel used for residential purposes; and
      (2)   Not less than one-half mile from any other existing or approved tower on which collocation is possible.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)