§ 156.110 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to allow innovative and diverse design in land development that is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the intent of this Zoning Code and Chapter 151 of this code. The goal is to provide a variety of environmentally appropriate residential, nonresidential and mixed-use developments to meet the needs of the community.
   (B)   PUD zoning is encouraged in the following contexts:
      (1)   To accommodate compatible development in environmentally sensitive locations;
      (2)   To enhance compatibility with surrounding land uses;
      (3)   To permit a harmonious variety of uses within a single development;
      (4)   To promote efficiency and thus economy by clustering structures and/or by using shared facilities or services; and
      (5)   To foster new site treatments not contemplated in other kinds of zones.
(Ord. passed 12-12-2002)