(A)   (1)   Upon approval by the appropriate authority, chimney stacks, church spires, monuments, flagpoles, water towers, stage towers or scenery lofts, may be erected to minimum height appropriate unless prohibited by other laws.
      (2)   In the Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Districts, special use approval of a tower (or antenna mounted on another structure) may include an increase in height to not more than 150 feet.
      (3)   In the Residential Districts, special exception approval of a tower (or special use approval of an antenna mounted on another structure) may include an increase in height to not more than 120 feet.
   (B)   On corner lots the minimum buildable width of 28 feet for main buildings is reduced to 22 feet for accessory buildings. In addition, no tower may be erected between a principal building and a street, except in the required side yard in Manufacturing or Industrial Districts.
   (C)   Accessory uses are permitted in the required front yard in the Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Districts. However, a tower must meet all setback requirements of the district in which it is erected, except that in the Industrial and Manufacturing Districts a tower may encroach into the required rear yard so long as the rear property line does not abut a Residential District. In addition, If a tower is permitted as a special exception in a Residential District, the tower must be built:
      (1)   Not less than 100 feet, plus one additional foot for every foot of the tower’s height, from the property line of any parcel used for residential purposes; and
      (2)   Not less than one-half mile from any other existing or approved tower on which collocation is possible.
(Ord. 2003-5, passed 11-3-2003)