It shall be unlawful for any person to park or for the owner of a motor vehicle to permit it to be parked as follows:
   A.   Blocking a driveway.
   B.   On or across a sidewalk.
   C.   In an intersection or crosswalk.
   D.   In a viaduct.
   E.   Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
   F.   In a bus stop, loading zone or cabstand.
   G.   Under a fire escape.
   H.   The wrong way on a one-way street.
   I.   On any two-way street so that the driver's side of the car is nearest to the curb.
   J.   Backed into a stall in a Municipal parking lot.
   K.   More than twelve inches (12") from the curb.
   L.   In any private parking lot not licensed as provided in Chapter 8 of this Code. Signs shall be posted by the Village on the parkway at the entrance of any such lot reading as follows:
   No Parking In This Lot
   Police Order
   M.   No truck or commercial vehicle bearing a Class C or heavier State of Illinois "license plate" as defined in 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-815, or having a gross weight capacity (including vehicle and maximum load) in excess of eight thousand (8,000) pounds, shall be parked on a public street or a public or private driveway in any residence district as defined by the Zoning Ordinance, except when making deliveries or to perform requested service at a particular residence.
   N.   Tourist buses for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio or other historic buildings on Forest Avenue shall be parked only in a designated bus stand on Chicago Avenue adjacent to Holmes School playground. While so parked the motor of the bus shall be turned off so as to reduce noise and exhaust fumes.
   O.   Double parked.
   P.   In an area restricted to the loading and unloading of children.
   Q.   When any bus is parked or standing longer than fifteen (15) minutes, its engine shall be turned off so as to reduce noise and exhaust fumes. (1981 Code)