License fees shall be payable on or before a due date established by the office of the Village Manager or the Manager's designee. License fees shall be set forth as follows:
   A.   If a license is not purchased by the due date, said fee shall be increased by ten percent (10%); and further, the base fee shall be increased by an additional twenty percent (20%) on the fifteenth day of each subsequent month for which the fee remains unpaid.
   B.   If the ownership of a building changes during a licensing period, the license fee for the new owner shall be determined on a prorated basis.
   C.   The license fee for a rental building shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per dwelling unit for rental buildings containing four (4) or more dwelling units. The fee shall be due with a license application not less than thirty (30) days prior to the initial date of issuance as determined by the Village Manager or the Manager's designee, or not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of a currently valid license.
   D.   The annual license fee for a small rental license type shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per dwelling unit for buildings containing three (3) or fewer dwelling units.
   E.   The services and inspection fee for condominiums shall be ten dollars ($10.00) for each condominium unit within the building. (Ord. 16-088, 7-18-2016, eff. 9-1-2016)
   A.   Required inspections shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
      1.   The Development Customer Services Department and/or the Fire Department shall make an annual inspection of all theaters, churches, schools, public assembly units, and open air assembly units; and also all buildings two (2) stories or more in height containing at least four (4) lodging or rooming units.
      2.   The Development Customer Services Department shall also make biennial inspections of all common areas and a minimum of one dwelling unit in all mixed use commercial/residential buildings which are two (2) or more stories in height and containing one to three (3) residential units and commercial space in which the occupants engage in food preparation, food sales, pets and pet supply sales or hazardous activities requiring (annual, quarterly, monthly) inspections by the Fire Department in accordance with section F-102.2 of the 1984 BOCA fire prevention code. Such hazardous activities include, but are not limited to, activities which involve the use of hazardous and/or flammable materials and chemicals, the storage of combustible materials and the use of potentially hazardous or dangerous equipment and/or machinery. The annual inspection fee for the inspection of common areas and residential units in mixed use commercial/residential buildings shall be six dollars ($6.00) for each dwelling unit contained therein. It shall be the duty of every owner, agent, lessee or occupant of any such building and of the person in charge or control of the same to permit the making of such biennial inspection by a duly authorized inspector at any time upon demand being duly made.
      3.   The Development Customer Services Department shall make inspections of all common areas and the interior of a minimum of one-third (1/3) of the dwelling units in multiple-family dwellings which contain four (4) or more dwelling units. The required frequency of such inspections shall be based on the expiration of the rental license type pursuant to section 12-2-1 of this article. Except for a small rental license, no rental license shall be issued or renewed until a valid inspection has been completed.
      4.   In condominiums, all common facilities and one-third (1/3) of the dwelling units which are occupied by someone other than the owner of the unit shall be inspected on a biennial basis.
   B.   Whenever, upon inspection of the licensed multiple-family dwelling or of the records required to be kept by section 12-2-7 of this article, it is determined by the appropriate officials of the Village that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of the provisions of this or any applicable ordinance of the Village, the official making the determination shall serve the owner or agent with a notice of violation. Such notice shall identify the specific violations and state that unless they are corrected within the time specified in the notice, the operating license may be suspended. Notice pursuant to this section shall be sent by mail to the party designated in the application to receive notices and process.
   C.   At the end of the time allowed for correction of any violation cited, the building shall be reinspected by the appropriate Village officials. If it is determined that the conditions have not been corrected or they are not in the process of being corrected, the Village may issue an order suspending the rental license.
   D.   If, upon reinspection, it is determined by the appropriate Village officials that the violations cited in the notice have been corrected, the license shall be reinstated by the Village. A request for reinspection shall not exceed the twenty one (21) day suspension period unless the official responsible for sending the violation notice so requests.
   E.   If the licensee is convicted by a court of a violation of any applicable ordinance of the Village in connection with the licensed building, then the license shall be subject to revocation without further notice.
   F.   In the event a condition of extreme hazard to health or safety is found to exist, the Village may immediately revoke the license.
   G.   Each day a building continues to operate after a license has been revoked shall constitute a separate violation of this code subject to fine, as provided in section 1-1-5 of this code.
   H.   Any licensee violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine as provided in section 1-1-5 of this code. (Ord. 16-088, 7-18-2016, eff. 9-1-2016)
12-2-7: RECORDS:
Every owner or agent of a licensed multiple-family dwelling shall cause to be kept records itemizing all repairs, alterations or decorating expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) per expenditure for a period of five (5) years after such expenditure. Upon request, such records shall be made available during normal business hours upon request of the Village Manager or the Manager's authorized representatives. (Ord. 16-088, 7-18-2016, eff. 9-1-2016)