For the purposes of this article, the following words and/or phrases shall have the meanings described below:
APIARY: The assembly of one or more hives or colonies of honeybees at a single location.
BEEKEEPER: A person who owns or has charge of one or more colonies of honeybees.
BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT: Anything used in the operation of an apiary, such as hive bodies, supers, frames, top and bottom boards and extractors.
COLONY: The entire honeybee family or social unit living together.
HIVE: A frame or structure used or employed as a domicile for bees.
HONEYBEE: The common domestic honeybee, limited to the Apis mellifera species, specifically excluding the African honeybee, Apis mellifera scutellata or Africanized honeybees.
LANGSTROTH TYPE HIVE: A hive consisting of an outer frame with a solid top cover, an inner cover, a bottom board, and a number of boxes and supers containing tightly spaced movable frames.
LOT: A contiguous parcel of land under common ownership.
UNDERDEVELOPED PROPERTY: Any idle or vacant lot that is not improved or actually in the process of being improved with structures or improvements intended for human use or occupancy. (Ord. 2011-0-86, 12-5-2011)