General Provisions
156.001 Title of chapter
156.002 Purpose
156.003 Intent
156.004 Definitions
156.005 Separability
156.020 Enforcement
156.021 Planning and Zoning Commission
156.022 Amendments
156.023 Variations
156.024 Special uses
156.025 Planned Unit Developments
156.026 Appeals
General Regulations
156.035 Accessory buildings and uses
156.036 Utility service connections
156.037 Control over bulk
156.038 Control over use
156.039 Fences
156.040 Fire lanes
156.041 Legal nonconforming uses, buildings and structures
156.042 Sewage systems
156.043 Signs
156.044 Outdoor swimming pools
156.045 Yards
156.046 [Reserved]
156.047 Antennas and satellite dish antennas
156.048 Road access regulations
156.049 Landscaping requirements
156.050 Temporary uses
156.051 Above ground service facilities
156.052 Highway advertising signs
Zoning Districts
156.060 Establishment of districts
156.061 Zoning district map
156.062 Boundaries of districts
156.063 Annexed territory
Residential Districts
156.075 R-1 Single-Family Detached
156.076 R-2 Single-Family Attached
156.077 R-3 Multiple Family
Business Districts
156.085 B-1 Professional Office
156.086 B-2 Professional Office
156.087 B-3 General Retail
156.088 B-4 Business Park
156.089 B-5 Entertainment
156.090 B-6 Cemetery
M–U Mixed Use Zoning District
156.091 Unit 5 Area M–U Mixed Use
Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensary Overlay District
156.092 Adult-use cannabis dispensary use
156.093 On-site consumption restrictions
Off-street Parking and Loading
156.100 General provisions; parking and loading
156.101 Additional regulations; off-street parking
156.102 Schedule of parking requirements
156.103 Additional regulations; off-street loading
156.104 Schedule of loading requirements
156.130 Fees for inspection, issuance of permits and certificates; administrative fees for zoning petitions
156.140 Minimum standards
156.141 Governing standards
156.142 Effect on private agreements
156.143 Non-conforming land use or structure
156.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Setbacks and Yards—R-1
Appendix B: Setbacks and Yards—R-1, R-2, R-3
Appendix C: Interval of Separation—R-2
Appendix D: Interval of Separation—R-3