(A)   Use of parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with additional regulations hereinafter set forth:
      (1)   Residential districts:
         (a)   The parking of any vehicle or trailer shall only be permitted when located upon a driveway or off-street parking area on a zoning lot that is paved with asphalt, concrete or paving brick.
         (b)   A maximum of one boat on a trailer, a trailer, a camping trailer, or a recreational vehicle, each of which is referred to as a “unit,” may be stored or parked on a driveway or off-street parking area on a zoning lot that is paved with asphalt, concrete or paving brick, provided that the driveway apron shall not be paving brick, and further provided that all such vehicles shall have on them their factory-installed equipment including but not limited to all wheels, hitch equipment, lights, windows, and securing apparatus. No unit shall be stored on any zoning lot, unless such unit is owned by the owner or resident of the zoning lot. A temporary parking and use permit may allow the vehicle to be parked in any yard, but no closer than two and one-half feet from the side or rear lot line. The Director of Community and Economic Development may issue this permit even if the vehicle is to be used for lodging purposes. This temporary permit is limited to no more than seven consecutive days in any six-month period. An extension for a period not to exceed an additional seven consecutive days may be granted upon request.
         (c)   No inoperable vehicle or trailer shall be parked or stored on any portion of a parcel or lot unless it is in a fully enclosed accessory building or structure.
         (d)   Except for permitted non- residential uses or special uses, no commercial type vehicle measuring more than eight feet in height or 24 feet long shall be parked or stored in any portion of a parcel or lot unless it is in a fully enclosed accessory building or structure.
         (e)   No construction equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, construction trailers, end-loaders, skid-steers, earth-movers, dump trucks, hauling trucks, semi-tractor trailers, tow trucks, and hauling trailers, shall be parked or stored on any portion of a parcel or zoning lot unless it is in a fully enclosed building or structure that conforms with all requirements of this section. Vehicles or operations of public or governmental entities shall be exempt from the requirements of this division.
         (f)   No more than one licensed and registered vehicle of any kind may be displayed for sale on a lot at one time. Any for sale sign shall be placed inside the vehicle for no more than 30 days per calendar year.
         (g)   Nothing in these provisions shall be construed to prohibit trucks or other service vehicles from being parked on the premises temporarily for purposes of making a delivery or rendering services to the property.
         (h)   Any paved driveway or parking space, as provided herein, shall be used only for the parking or storage of licensed vehicles, and not for any other storage; provided, however, that keeping residential refuse containers on any paved driveway or parking space shall not be considered storage hereunder, so long as such containers are kept behind the front wall of any building or structure on the property.
      (2)   Business districts.
         (a)   The parking of any vehicle shall only be permitted when located upon a driveway or off-street parking area that is paved with asphalt, concrete or paving brick, provided that the driveway apron shall not be paving brick.
         (b)   Except as otherwise provided in this section, off-street parking facilities shall be solely for the parking of vehicles of patrons, occupants or employees of the principal use or building on that parcel or zoning lot.
         (c)   No recreational vehicle used for habitable purposes, shall be parked or stored on any parcel or lot, unless it is in a fully enclosed accessory building or structure; provided that recreational vehicles not used for habitable purposes may be parked on a zoning lot that has been granted a special use for a hotel, on a temporary basis; for storage garages, overnight or more permanent; or on a zoning lot used for sales or rental of recreational vehicles.
         (d)   Vehicles used and owned by a business or commercial establishment and stored overnight, may be permitted, except that no semi- trailers or semi-tractors shall be stored overnight.
         (e)   No inoperable vehicle or trailer shall be parked or stored on any lot unless it is in an enclosed accessory building or structure.
         (f)   No construction trailer, or construction equipment as listed above, shall be parked or stored on any portion of the parcel or lot for more than one week after a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
   (B)   Off-site parking facilities.
      (1)   Except for permitted valet parking in accordance with division (B)(2) of this section, when required parking facilities are provided on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served by such facilities is located, they shall be and remain in the same right of possession or ownership as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking facilities are necessary. No such off-site parking facilities shall be authorized and no occupancy permit shall be issued if the plans call for parking other than on the same zoning lot unless the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the plans, heard the applicant and made findings that the common ownership or right of possession of the zoning lot and the site of the parking facilities are reasonably certain to continue and that the off-site parking facilities will be maintained at all times during the life of the proposed use or buildings. Annual proof shall be provided to the Director of Community and Economic Development of continuing ownership or right of possession. If for any reason parking facilities so established shall no longer be available and replacement parking is not provided, the owner and occupant of the structure for which parking has been diminished shall, within one year after the date the parking is lost, make the use conform to the then available parking or provide substitute parking for the uses in existence.
      (2)   Valet parking. When and so long as valet parking is provided, the minimum number of parking places required may be reduced by not more than 30%, and any reduction in on-site parking spaces shall be allowed only if proof is provided that the reduced number of parking spaces is being replaced by an equal number of off-site parking spaces.
   (C)   Joint parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities for different buildings, structures, or uses or for mixed uses, may be provided collectively in any zoning district in which separate parking facilities for each constituent use would be permitted, provided that the total number of spaces so located together shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements of each use except as otherwise provided within division (A) of this section, or that a variation is granted to permit the same off-street parking facilities to meet the requirements for two or more uses when the substantial use of one does not take place at approximately the same hours or the same days of the week.
   (D)   Area.
      (1)   An off-street parking place shall meet the following requirements, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns, or work areas. Enclosed parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
Angle of Parking
Minimum Width of Space Parallel to Aisle
Minimum Length of Space Perpendicular to Aisle
Minimum Width of Aisle
45 degrees
12' - 9"
19' - 9"
60 degrees
10' - 5"
20' - 0"
90 degrees
9' - 0"
19' - 0"
      (2)   (a)   Required handicapped parking shall meet the following requirements, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns or work areas. Enclosed handicapped parking shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
Angle of Parking
Minimum Width of Space Parallel to Aisle
Minimum Length of Space Perpendicular to Aisle
Minimum Width of Aisle
45 degrees
22' - 6"
19' - 9"
60 degrees
18' - 6"
20' - 0"
90 degrees
16' - 0"
19' - 0"
         (b)   Alternatively, handicapped parking spaces shall meet the minimum requirements of § 502 of the Illinois Accessibility Code or its successor provisions. Only in the case of an adjacent 90-degree accessible parking spaces, may accessible parking spaces share an access aisle. This alternative is adapted with the intent of allowing the owners of land subject to any form of parking site plan approval prior to May 14, 2019, to adjust their existing parking scheme without hearing to utilize shared aisles provided no reduction in the total number of parking spaces occurs.
      (3)   The required number of handicapped spaces shall be as follows:
Total Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided
Required Minimum Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces
Total Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided
Required Minimum Number of Handicapped Parking Spaces
2% of total number
Over 1,000
20 plus 1 for each over 1,000
      (4)   When existing parking on a zoning lot is required to come into compliance with the required number of handicapped parking spaces, a variation shall be deemed granted by operation of law if the required number of regular parking spaces is reduced below the minimum required number of spaces for the zoning lot and use.
      (5)   Markings for required parking spaces shall be laid and restored as often as necessary to clearly delineate each parking space, but such markings shall not be required in single-family residential districts, except for permitted nonresidential and special uses.
   (E)   Access. Each required off-street parking space shall either be located on a driveway, or shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway, of such width and design as to provide a safe and efficient means of vehicular access to a street or easement, in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movement. Except for nonresidential uses in a residential district, no driveway across public property shall exceed a width of 25 feet at the city's right-of-way line or at the right-of-way line of a county or state roadway, if not otherwise prescribed by county or state regulations, or except as otherwise permitted by applicable ordinances of the city. For nonresidential uses in a residential district and all uses in a commercial district, no driveway across public property shall exceed a width of 35 feet at the city's right-of-way line, or at the right-of-way line of a county or state roadway, if not otherwise prescribed by county or state regulations, or except as otherwise permitted by applicable ordinances of the city. The driveway flare in either a residential or commercial district may extend up to five feet on each side of the driveway.
   (F)   Design and maintenance. Off-street parking facilities shall be subject to the following restrictions regarding design and maintenance:
      (1)   Detached and attached single-family residential uses:
         (a)   Open and enclosed parking spaces. Accessory parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed or semi-enclosed in a building or structure.
         (b)   Surfacing. All parking spaces and access thereto shall be improved with asphalt, concrete, or paving brick in accordance with specifications approved by the Zoning Administrator. Driveway aprons shall not be improved with paving bricks unless a waiver provided for by the City of Oakbrook Terrace is executed by the owner. All owners of residential properties with gravel driveways or grass paths used as driveways shall comply with this Section by August 1, 2017.
         (c)   Permits. No driveway or parking area shall be constructed unless and until a permit is issued by the Director of Community and Economic Development. Application for a permit shall be submitted to the Director of Community and Economic Development in such form as may be determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development, and shall be accompanied with two sets of plans for the development and construction showing full compliance with provisions of this section will be fully complied with.
      (2)   Multiple-family and all other uses.
         (a)   Open and enclosed parking spaces. Accessory parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed or semi-enclosed in a building or structure.
         (b)   Surfacing. All open parking spaces and access thereto shall be improved with an all-weather, dustless material and constructed of either bituminous concrete (1.5" of bituminous surface course and 2.25" of bituminous binder course, 10" compacted aggregate base course); Portland cement concrete (6" thickness, 4" compacted aggregate base course), or Portland cement concrete unit pavers (bedding and compacted base material and thickness per manufacturer's requirements). These are minimum standards and all pavement areas shall be constructed to sustain the wheel loads of the anticipated vehicle users. Parking spaces and access thereto constructed prior to November 27, 2007, may be rehabilitated without total reconstruction; provided that the compacted base is left undisturbed and the thicknesses of the replacement paving material (either bituminous concrete, Portland cement concrete, or Portland cement concrete unit pavers) is equal to what is being removed. Areas not surfaced shall be landscaped, and plants shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance.
         (c)   Surface marking. All parking lots shall have striping designating aisles, parking spaces, pedestrian walkways, and the like, and the markings shall be designed and maintained so as to ensure their visual effectiveness.
         (d)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties in such a way as not to create a nuisance, and in no case shall such lighting exceed two foot candles at any lot line.
         (e)   Drainage. All off-street parking area plans shall be submitted to the Stormwater Administrator for approval of adequate drainage of stormwater.
         (f)   Building permits. No parking lot shall be constructed unless and until a permit is issued by the Director of Community and Economic Development. Application for a permit shall be submitted to the Director of Community and Economic Development in such form as may be determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development and shall be accompanied with two sets of plans for the development and construction of the parking lot demonstrating full compliance with the provisions of this section.
   (G)   Location. Except for permitted valet parking or uses in the M-U Mixed Use District, the location of off-street parking spaces in relation to the use served shall be as prescribed hereinafter. All distances specified shall be walking distances between such parking spaces and a main entrance to the use served.
      (1)   Residential districts. Parking spaces accessory to multiple-family uses shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. Parking lots shall be so designed so at least one parking space per dwelling unit is within 150 feet of a building entrance.
      (2)   Business districts. All required parking spaces shall be within 300 feet of the use served. However, no parking spaces accessory to a use in a business district shall be located in a residential district, except that private off-street parking accessory to nonresidential uses in a residential district may be used in a residential district, and municipal parking lots may be allowed by special use.
(Ord. 07-21, passed 11-27-07; Am. Ord. 15-34, passed 4-14-15; Am. Ord. 16-31, passed 8-9-16; Am. Ord. 19-17, passed 4-23-19; Am. Ord. 22-24, passed 8-23-22)