Central heating plant. The term "central heating plant" as used in this chapter shall include all portions of a central heating or hot water system that are located within the public parts of a building.
Qualified persons.
(1) Plumber licensed by the City of New York.
(2) Oil burner installer licensed by the City of New York.
(3) High pressure boiler operating engineer licensed by the City of New York.
(4) Portable high pressure boiler operating engineer licensed by the City of New York.
(5) Boiler inspector holding a certificate of competence from the New York State Department of Labor.
(6) Certified employee of a public utility.
(7) Energy auditor certified as oil burner or system replacement auditor qualified by the oil heating institutes of New York in accordance with training qualifications set by the Public Service Commission for purposes of the Home Insulation and Energy Act.
(8) Employee of the owner holding a certificate of fitness for pre-heated oil burners issued by the Fire Department of the City of New York.
(9) Employee of Department of Housing Preservation and Development's Office of Energy Conservation holding a certificate of competence issued by the Assistant Commissioner of that office and engaged by the owner of the premises to conduct self-inspection.
(a) The report shall be submitted with a certification by the person preparing the report that such person is qualified pursuant to this chapter.
(b) If the person preparing the report is an employee of a public utility, the report shall contain a certification by a supervisor of the employee that the utility has determined the employee is competent to perform the required tests and inspections.
(c) If a license or certificate holder is assisted in preparing the report by an employee, the license or certificate holder shall certify that such employee, is competent to perform the assigned tasks and indicate which tasks were performed by such employees.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, inspections by Building Department personnel or by a duly authorized insurance company in conformance with § 27-793 of the Administrative Code shall be acceptable in lieu of the self-inspection by a qualified person as defined in 28 RCNY § 15-01 "qualified persons" provided the owner certifies as to the existence of such an inspection.