The purpose of the Dismissal Request Program is to provide owners of multiple dwellings, private dwellings, and co-operative and condominium units, in New York City with a mechanism for obtaining re-inspections of their properties for the purpose of removing corrected Housing Code violations from the records of the Department.
(a) The Department will accept Dismissal Requests from owners, managing agents, or the authorized representatives of such owners or managing agents for re-inspections of properties in each of the five boroughs of the City of New York.
(2) Owners of co-operative and condominium units and private dwellings must submit proof of ownership satisfactory to the Department in order to submit a Dismissal Request.
Each Dismissal Request must be accompanied by a certified check or money order, made payable to the New York City Commissioner of Finance, for a scheduled amount based on the dwelling classification and number of open violations at the time the Dismissal Request form is submitted to the Borough Code Enforcement Office, as follows:
Dwelling Classification | Fee |
Private Dwelling | $250 |
Multiple Dwelling with 1 - 300 open violations | $300 |
Multiple Dwelling with 301 - 500 open violations | $400 |
Multiple Dwelling with 501 or more open violations | $500 |
(a) The Department shall use its best efforts to re-inspect the premises within 45 business days of the date of receipt of the Dismissal Request and shall place in the mail to the applicant a copy of the inspection report indicating the results of such re-inspection within 45 business days of the date of receipt of the Dismissal Request in the Code Enforcement Borough Office, provided, however, that during the period of October 1st through May 31st, the Department shall use its best efforts to re-inspect the premises and place in the mail to the applicant a copy of the inspection report indicating results of re-inspection within 90 business days of the date of receipt of the Dismissal Request in the Code Enforcement Borough Office.
(b) In the event that the Department does not inspect and mail a copy of such inspection report within the aforementioned time periods, the fee shall, upon written application to the Department by the applicant, be returned to the owner. Notwithstanding the refund of the fee, the Dismissal Request shall continue to be processed in the regular course of business. A re-inspection of the property will be made and a copy of the inspection report indicating the results of the re-inspection will then be mailed to the owner.
(c) The applicant may request an inspection date that exceeds the aforementioned time periods, provided, however, that such a request and waiver of any refund for the fee be in writing signed by the applicant and received within 15 business days of the date of receipt of the Dismissal Request in the Code Enforcement Borough Office.
(a) A Dismissal Request must be submitted on a form that can be obtained at any Code Enforcement Borough Office, either in person or by mail request, or on the Department's website at hpd/
(b) The Dismissal Request form, together with the fee, must be submitted either in person or by mail to the Borough Code Enforcement Office in the borough in which the property is located, provided, however, that for property located in Staten Island, such form may be submitted to the Manhattan Code Enforcement Office.