(a) Except within the discretion of the Commissioner, no license may be issued or renewed unless the applicant certifies, in such form and manner as determined by the Commissioner, that the premises proposed to be licensed comply with all applicable Local, State, and Federal laws and regulations.
(b) (1) The determination of the maximum motor vehicle capacity of each garage and parking lot, which shall appear on the face of the license, shall be made as follows:
(i) by adopting the maximum vehicle capacity requested by the applicant or licensee if the requested maximum vehicle capacity does not exceed the maximum vehicle capacity as stated on the previous license document for the premises; or,
(ii) by requiring that newly licensed premises and previously licensed premises seeking an increase in maximum vehicle capacity from the previous license submit documents to show the maximum vehicle capacity allowed by applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations, which may include a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy issued by the New York City Department of Buildings.
(2) A licensee must notify the Department within 10 days of any change that reduces the maximum vehicle capacity legally permitted at the premises, including changes to a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy issued by the New York City Department of Buildings.
(c) The premises of licensed parking lots and garages must be adequately attended at all times during operation.
(d) (1) The number and types of insurance policies carried by the applicant for a license, must be set forth on the face of the application and must be reasonably adequate, in the opinion of the Commissioner, to protect the public, which policies shall include coverage for legal liability resulting from operation on the licensed premises of vehicles and bicycles owned by the licensee or by third persons, for injury or damage to person or property and garage keepers liability, in the sum of not less than $300,000 combined single limit per accident.
(2) In the event of cancellation of any of the insurance policies referred to in the application, the licensee must immediately notify the Commissioner of such cancellation and of any substitutions. Such notification may be made on behalf of the licensee by its insurance company or broker.
(3) The applicant must present for review and consideration at the time of this application for a license, or renewal thereof, the original or a true copy or copies of policies of insurance, or certificates of insurance.
(f) (1) (i) Motor vehicles must not be stored or parked by licensees on public streets, avenues, highways, or public places except when permission is given by the customer in a written agreement which is signed by the customer.
(ii) Bicycles must not be stored or parked by licensees on public streets, avenues, highways, or public places.
(2) Every licensee must report to the Police Commissioner, in writing, the registration number, make and the name of the owner of every motor vehicle stored on a transient basis and left in a licensed garage or parking lot and remaining unclaimed for a period of more than seventy-two consecutive hours. No additional report shall be required to be made concerning any such vehicle, unless it shall have remained unclaimed for an additional thirty or more consecutive days. In such case, an additional report or reports must be made at least every thirty days after such prior report, during the period for which such vehicle remains unclaimed. The term “transient basis” used in this subdivision (f) means storage of cars for periods not covered by contractual agreements for storage of cars by the week, month or longer periods.
(g) (1) Licensed parking lots and garages with separate entrances and exits, must have their main entrance and main exit clearly designated, with illuminated signs marked “Entrance” and “Exit.”
(2) (i) Each licensee must post conspicuously at the public entrance or entrances to the garage or parking facility or, when impossible, in immediate proximity thereto, a durable sign or signs composed of black letters and numerals on white background, the upper-case (capital) letters and numerals to be three inches (3”) high, the lower-case letters to be two inches (2”) high; all letters “same serif,” as per attached specimen “No. I.” Letters and numerals must be proportionately spaced and neither contracted nor expanded so as to inhibit readability. Each classification and the applicable rate or rates thereunder must be listed on a separate line not to exceed forty inches (40”) in width. Said lines must be spaced one and one-half inches (1 1/2”) apart, as measured between the upper-case (capital) letters. Rates for fractional or hourly periods must be so listed as to reflect the total charge for each aggregate period up to the maximum thereof.
For Example:
Up to 1 hour: $ . . . . .
Up to 2 hours: $ . . . . .
Maximum: . . . . . Hours: . . . . .
Maximum: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. . . . . . . . . . .
as per attached specimen "No. II."
(ii) Separate signs, having reverse color schemes placed in juxtaposition to each other, must be used when DAY and NIGHT Rates differ, provided that the DAY Rate sign (black letters on white background) is so marked that a motorist parking a vehicle or a bicyclist parking a bicycle when DAY Rates are in effect may, from said schedule, readily and easily determine the total charges should they remove their vehicle or bicycle when NIGHT Rates (white letters and numerals on black background) are in effect.
For Example:
Enter 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.: | Enter 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.: |
Up to 1 hour: $ | Up to 1 hour: $ |
Up to 2 hours: $ | Up to 2 hours: $ |
etc. | etc. |
Maximum to 6 p.m.: $ | Maximum to 2 a.m.: $ |
One of the following may be used, (whichever policy the Licensee adopts) under the last line of the "DAY Rates" sign.
For Example:
Either |
After 6 p.m. $ .................. for |
each additional hour or part thereof. |
Maximum to 2 a.m.: $ ...... |
or |
After 6 p.m. – NIGHT RATES apply. |
(See attached specimen "No. II") |
(iii) Licensees who maintain a different Rate Schedule for certain days of the week or for special occasions such as Matinees, Ball Games, etc., shall list chronologically such rates directly under the normal rate schedule applicable to DAY or NIGHT listings, as the case may be, or on a separate adjacent sign, to permit easy and ready readability.
(iv) A replica or legible typewritten facsimile of such rate sign or signs, at least eight inches (8”) by ten inches (10”), must be conspicuously posted or displayed at the place designated by the Licensee for the payment of charges so that it can be readily seen by the customer. A copy thereof shall also be filed in quadruplicate with the COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND WORKER PROTECTION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK simultaneously with the filing of the Licensee’s rate schedule or change thereof.
(v) Auxiliary signs may be displayed, provided that all letters and numerals are equal size and conform to the style of letterings as hereinabove set forth, and further provided that such sign or signs neither mislead nor confuse or tend to mislead or confuse the public. The license sign required to be displayed by 6 RCNY § 1-03 (Chapter 1 of Title 20, Administrative Code) must be located in a conspicuous position at the place designated by the licensee for the payment of charges.
(vi) Each licensee must also post conspicuously at the public entrance or entrances to the garage or parking facility or, when impossible, in immediate proximity thereto, a separate sign or signs composed of letters and numerals of the same dimensions and specifications as hereinabove set forth, stating the name, address, license number of the Licensee, the licensed capacity of said premises, the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces in said premises, and the business hours thereof.
(vii) The Commissioner may, upon due application by a licensee, vary any of the foregoing requirements, provided such variance is not inconsistent with the aim and purpose of this subdivision (g) nor detrimental to the public welfare. The sign posted at parking facilities accessory to multiple dwellings, which provide parking services exclusively to the residential tenants of the accessory multiple dwelling, and are subject to the Rent Stabilization Law and Code in regard to the charges for such services, may contain the following information on rates: “No transients or non-residents permitted. Residential tenants only. Rates as fixed by rent laws,” or wording to such effect.
(viii) Licensees required to provide space for parking bicycles must post the rate schedules for rates the licensee is authorized to charge for parking bicycles in the same manner as required for posting the rate schedule for vehicles, which may be on the same sign or separate signs. The signs for the rate schedule applicable to each type of conveyance shall be clearly marked as DAY or NIGHT RATES for VEHICLES or DAY or NIGHT RATES for BICYLES, as appropriate.
(ix) The rates initially posted for parking bicycles on or after the effective date of Local Law Number 51 for the year 2009 by licensees required to provide space for parking bicycles by such law shall remain in effect without having been filed with the Commissioner until January 14, 2010, provided such licensee files such rates with the Commissioner prior to such date. No rate shall be in effect thereafter unless a rate change is implemented as provided by law and this subchapter.
(x) Licensees who elect to maintain different rates based on payment method, in accordance with State and local requirements, must clearly and conspicuously display at the public entrance or entrances to the garage or parking facility or, if such display is impossible, in immediate proximity thereto, the rate and any discount or incentive offered for each payment method accepted (e.g., credit card, debit card, cash).
(xi) Licensees may charge different prices to consumers for monthly parking or storage services so long as each such rate charged, and the qualifications or requirements for obtaining such rate, are clearly and conspicuously posted on a sheet of paper at least eight inches (8”) by ten inches (10”) at the place designated by the Licensee for the payment of charges, such that it can be readily seen by the customer. A copy of such rate sheet must be provided to each consumer who purchases monthly parking or storage services by mail, or email where agreed to by the consumer, prior to the consumer’s initial purchase and at least sixty days prior to the effective date of any change in rates.
(3) (i) The sign must be sufficiently illuminated, clearly visible and readable.
Specimen No. 1 | Specimen No. II |
OPQRSTUVWXYZ | Enter 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. |
abcdefghijklmn | Up to 1/2 hour...........................$0.00 |
1/2 0123456789 | Up to 1 hour.............................. 0.00 |
1/2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Up to 2 hours............................ 0.00 |
Up to 3 hours............................ 0.00 | |
Up to 4 hours............................ 0.00 | |
After 6 p.m. .............................. 0.00 for each add'l hour or part thereof | |
Max. to 2 a.m. ......................... 0.00 | |
(or) After 6 p.m.: Night Rates Apply | |
(ii) Each licensee whose garage or parking facility is located in Manhattan shall also post conspicuously at the public entrance or entrances to the garage or parking facility or, when impossible, in immediate proximity thereto, a separate sign, at least 12-inches by 18-inches in dimension with black letters at least 1-inch high, on a white background, stating the following:
ATTENTION MANHATTAN RESIDENTS If you garage your car on a monthly basis or longer, you may be eligible for an exemption from the 8% parking tax surcharge. To apply for a certificate of exemption, contact: N.Y.C. Department of Finance Parking Tax Exemption Section 25 Elm Place Brooklyn, NY 11201 1-(718) 935-6144 |
(h) (1) In the event the maximum capacity of a licensed parking lot or garage has been reached, a sign composed of letters at least six inches in height, must be posted at the public entrance of such garage or parking lot, stating, "Capacity full."
(2) In the event that all available bicycle parking spaces are occupied, a sign composed of letters at least six inches in height, must be posted at the public entrance of such garage or parking lot, stating, "Bike Parking Capacity Filled."
(i) (1) Every applicant for a license must file with his application a schedule of rates showing the prices charged for hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly parking or storage of motor vehicles and bicycles, and all other rates charged therefor.
(2) No licensee license may make any charge for parking or storage in excess of the rates set forth in such schedule, unless and until at least sixty days prior to the effective date of such changed rates, such licensee:
(i) has filed with the Commissioner in writing, such changes in rates;
(ii) in the case of a change to any hourly, daily, or weekly parking or storage rates for motor vehicles and bicycles, has posted such changed rates on a sign which conforms with the requirements of 6 RCNY § 2-161(g)(2) and (3). In addition, the sign shall have the following heading in letters at least six inches in height:
(iii) in the case of a change to any monthly parking or storage rates, has posted such changes on a sheet that conforms to the requirements of 6 RCNY § 2-161(g)(2)(xi). In addition, the rate sheet must have the following heading in letters at least 1 inch in height:
(3) Licensees are expected and will be required to charge for parking the price scale filed with the Commissioner and advertised by sign on the premises, except that the charges to residential tenants in multiple dwellings shall be in accordance with the Rent Stabilization Law and Code if such charges are subject thereto. Where a lesser amount is charged, except as prescribed and controlled by the Rent Stabilization Law and Code for residential tenancies in multiple dwellings, the schedule filed with the Commissioner will be deemed to have been so amended and no higher price charged except after a formal sixty days’ notice to the Commissioner.
(4) A licensee who has taken over the business of a previous licensee may not increase the schedule of prices until formal notice has first been filed with the Commissioner and sixty days have elapsed subsequent to such filing. Such licensee must provide notice of the rate increase to each consumer who purchases monthly parking or storage services by mail, or email where agreed to by the consumer, at least sixty days prior to the effective date of any increase in rates.
(j) No contract, agreement, lease, receipt, rule or regulation made or issued by any licensee with or to a person who parks or stores a motor vehicle or bicycle in a garage or parking lot operated by such licensee, license may exempt such licensee from liability for damage or loss caused by the negligence of such licensee or any employee of such licensee.
(k) Where a trade name is used by an applicant for a license, or a co-partnership applies for a license, a certified copy of the certificate required to be filed with the County Clerk must be filed with the application.
(l) Licensees may not reserve space for so-called regular customers unless such customer has obligated himself to pay on a weekly or monthly basis whether or not reserved space is actually used by the customer.
(m) A licensee is required to keep a written record of all weekly or monthly space rentals and preserve such record for twelve months. The original of said record, or a true copy thereof, is required to be kept at the garage or parking lot at all times when the garage or parking lot is open for business.
(n) A licensee is not permitted to use a customer’s vehicle or bicycle under any circumstances whatsoever except when indispensably necessary to the operation of the business conducted by the licensee in connection with the incidental movement of vehicles or bicycles solely for the purpose of storage.
(o) A licensee may not require a customer to purchase supplies or services as a condition to parking on the licensed premises.
(p) A licensee may not require a customer to estimate or otherwise indicate time of departure from the licensed premises as a condition to parking on the premises.
(q) All licensed parking lots and garages shall comply with all applicable zoning requirements and with all other laws, ordinances, rules and regulations affecting the conduct of the licensed business as enforced by any city agency. Any violation of such requirements, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations may result in the suspension or revocation of the offender's license or the imposition of a monetary penalty.
(r) (1) Whenever a parking charge is determined by the time for which a parking space is provided and the receipt cannot be immediately stamped or marked with the time of return upon the customer's appearance at the licensed premises, an auxiliary time clock shall be provided at each place designated by the licensee for the payment of charges.
(2) For the purpose of determining the legal parking fee, the customer shall be permitted to stamp the receipt using the auxiliary time clock and the time shown thereon shall be the one utilized in making such determination.
(3) The time on an auxiliary time clock shall, at all times, correspond to the time shown on the time clock ordinarily used by the person receiving the parking fee.
(4) Whenever an auxiliary time clock is required to be provided as set forth hereinabove, a sign must be conspicuously posted directly above or adjacent to the clock stating:
Said statement shall be on a sign or placard at least 12 inches by 18 inches in dimension and shall have letters thereon not less than 1 inch high.
(s) Licensees shall take reasonable care to prevent damage to or loss of a customer's vehicle, bicycle or personal property. Licensees must also respond in writing within 30 days to all written notices of claim from consumers. A licensee's failure to meet its obligations under this subdivision(s) will subject it to an order to pay damages to the affected party.
(t) A licensee must comply with §§ 25-80, 36-70 and 44-60 of the zoning resolution regarding bicycle parking for the purpose of exempting licensees from the requirements of subdivisions (a) through (f) of § 20-327.1 of the Administrative Code of the city of New York only if such licensee files with the Department an affidavit affirming it is in full compliance with the requirements specified in such sections of the zoning resolution.
(u) A licensee who is granted a waiver from compliance with the requirements of § 20-327.1 of the Administrative Code of the city of New York as provided by § 20-327.1(a)(3) of such code must post a sign in letters at least four inches high adjacent to the public entrance to its parking garage or lot stating “Bike Parking Not Required by Law.” Such licensee must have a copy of the waiver available on premises and must display it on request.
(Amended City Record 3/19/2018, eff. 4/18/2018; amended City Record 12/3/2024, eff. 1/2/2025)
Subchapter R: Commercial Refuse Removal [Repealed]
Subchapter S: Debt Collection Agencies
(a) The written documentation identifying the creditor who originated the debt, which a debt collection agency is required to provide pursuant to § 20-493.2(a) of the Administrative Code, shall be a copy of the debt document issued by the originating creditor or an original written confirmation evidencing the transaction resulting in the indebtedness to the originating creditor. Computer documents or electronic evidence created or generated after default on the indebtedness shall not qualify as such confirmation.
(b) The written documentation itemizing the principal balance of the debt that remains or is claimed or alleged to remain due and all other charges that are due or claimed or alleged to be due, which a debt collection agency is required to furnish pursuant to § 20-493.2(a) of the Administrative Code, shall consist of a copy of the final statement of account issued by the originating creditor and a document itemizing: (1) the total amount remaining due on the total principal balance of the indebtedness to the originating creditor and (2) each additional charge or fee claimed or alleged to be due that separately (i) lists the total for each charge or fee and the date that each charge or fee was incurred; and (ii) identifies and describes the basis of the consumer's obligation to pay it.
(a) The information about the consumer's legal rights, which a debt collection agency is required to provide the consumer pursuant to § 20-493.2(b) of the Administrative Code, shall be included in every permitted communication for each debt that the debt collection agency is seeking to collect that is beyond the applicable statute of limitations, and shall be: "WE ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO GIVE YOU THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DEBT. The legal time limit (statute of limitations) for suing you to collect this debt has expired. However, if somebody sues you anyway to try to make you pay this debt, court rules REQUIRE YOU to tell the court that the statute of limitations has expired to prevent the creditor from obtaining a judgment. Even though the statute of limitations has expired, you may CHOOSE to make payments. However, BE AWARE: if you make a payment, the creditor's right to sue you to make you pay the entire debt may START AGAIN."
(b) When delivered in writing, the required statement provided in subdivision a of this section shall be included, for each debt that is beyond the applicable statute of limitations, in at least 12 point type that is set off in a sharply contrasting color from all other type on the permitted communication, and shall be placed adjacent to the identifying information about the amount claimed to be due or owed on such debt.
(a) The written confirmation of the debt payment schedule or settlement agreement with a consumer that a debt collection agency is required to furnish pursuant to § 20-493.1 (b) shall identify the originating creditor of the debt, the debt collection agency, the employee of such agency who concluded the debt payment schedule or agreement or the employee's direct supervisor, the name and address of the consumer, the date on which the debt payment schedule or agreement was made, the specific amount and due date of each payment, the address where the payments are to be mailed or where payment may otherwise be transmitted, any other terms of the debt payment schedule or agreement, and the conditions for satisfying the outstanding balance.
(b) Whenever a debt collection agency agrees to a debt payment schedule or a settlement agreement for debts originated by more than one creditor, such agency shall clearly and separately identify on such written confirmation the debt due to each originating creditor, the amount to be paid on each such debt, and how the payment the consumer makes shall be applied to each debt covered by the payment schedule or settlement agreement.
(c) Such written confirmation shall not include any terms or conditions that were not specifically agreed to by the consumer.
(d) Upon a consumer's payment of a debt as stated in the debt payment schedule or settlement agreement, the debt collection agency shall, within 21 calendar days after receipt of the final payment, send to the consumer a written confirmation of the satisfaction of the indebtedness that identifies the originating creditor and the original account number of the indebtedness.
(a) Unless otherwise prohibited by federal, state or local law, a debt collection agency shall maintain a separate file for each debt that the debt collection agency attempts to collect from each consumer, in a manner that is searchable or retrievable by the name, address and ZIP code of the consumer and the creditor who originated the debt the agency is seeking to collect. The debt collection agency shall maintain in each file the following records to document its collection activities with respect to each consumer:
(1) A copy of all communications with the consumer.
(2) A record of each payment received from the consumer that states the date of receipt, the method of payment and the debt to which the payment was applied.
(3) A copy of the debt payment schedule and/or settlement agreement reached with the consumer to pay the debt.
(4) With regard to any debt that the debt collection agency has purchased, a record of the name and address of the entity from which the debt collection agency purchased the debt, the date of the purchase and the amount of the debt at the time of such purchase.
(b) A debt collection agency shall maintain the following records to document its collection activities with respect to all consumers from whom it seeks to collect a debt:
(1) A monthly log of all calls made to consumers, listing the date, time and duration of each call, the number called and the name of the person reached during the call.
(2) Recordings of complete conversations with all consumers or with a randomly selected sample of at least 5% of all calls made or received by the debt collection agency and a copy of contemporaneous notes of all conversations with consumers. The method used for randomly selecting the recorded calls shall be included in the file where the tape recordings are maintained.
(3) A record of all cases filed in court to collect a debt. Such record shall include, for each case filed, the name of the consumer, the identity of the originating creditor, the amount claimed to be due, the civil court index number and the court and county where the case is filed, the date the case was filed, the name of the process server who served process on the consumer, the date, location and method of service of process, the affidavit of service that was filed and the disposition for each case filed. Such record shall be filed in a manner that is searchable or retrievable by the name, address and ZIP code of the consumer and the creditors who originated the debts that the debt collection agency is seeking to collect.
(4) The original copy of each contract with a process server for the service of process, and copies of all documents involving traverse hearings relating to cases filed by or on behalf of the debt collection agency. Such records should be filed in a manner that is searchable by the name of the process server.
(5) A record indicating the language preference of the consumer, except where the debt collector is not aware of such preference despite reasonable attempts to obtain it.
(c) A debt collection agency shall maintain the following records relating to its operations and practices:
(1) A copy of all actions, proceedings or investigations by government agencies that resulted in the revocation or suspension of a license, the imposition of fines or restitution, a voluntary settlement, a court order, a criminal guilty plea or a conviction.
(2) A copy of all policies, training manuals and guides for employees or agents that direct, describe, suggest or promote how a collector is to interact with consumers in the course of seeking to collect a debt.
(3) An annual report, in a form made publicly available on the Department's website, identifying, by language, (i) the number of consumer accounts on which an employee collected or attempted to collect a debt owed or due or asserted to be owed or due in a language other than English; and (ii) the number of employees that collected or attempted to collect on such accounts in a language other than English.
(d) The records required to be maintained pursuant to this section shall be retained for six years from the date the record was created by the debt collection agency, a document was obtained or received by the debt collection agency, a document was filed in a court action by the debt collection agency, or a training manual or employee guide was superseded, except that recordings of conversations with consumers shall be retained for one year after the date of the last conversation recorded on each completed recording tape.
(Amended City Record 5/28/2020, eff. 6/27/2020)
(a) The call-back number to be answered by a natural person, which a debt collection agency is required to provide consumers pursuant to § 20-493.1(a)(i) of the Administrative Code, shall be a number for a telephone for which a call to that number shall be either (1) answered by a natural person qualified to address consumer inquiries concerning communications the debt collection agency has with consumers or (2) routed to such a natural person within 60 seconds after the call is linked to the debt collection agency's telephone line for such number and that shall be answered by such natural person within 60 seconds after the call is routed.
(b) The required call-back number shall be answered by a natural person as specified in subdivision (a) of this section during all times when a debt collection agency conducts business with consumers.