(a) Any Person may submit a Petition.
(b) The Petition must include:
(1) The Rule to be considered, with proposed language for adoption;
(2) A statement of the Rule's purpose and HPD's authority to promulgate the Rule;
(3) The Petitioner's arguments in support of adopting the Rule;
(4) The period of time the Rule should be in effect;
(5) The name of the Petitioner or his or her authorized representative and at least one of the following: (A) mailing address, (B) telephone number, or (C) email address; and
(6) The signature of the Petitioner or his or her authorized representative.
(c) Any change in the information provided pursuant to paragraph five of subdivision b of this section must be reported promptly in writing to HPD by:
(1) mail or hand delivery to the Office of Legal Affairs of HPD at 100 Gold Street, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10038, ATTN: General Counsel; or
(2) e-mail to rules@hpd.nyc.gov.
(d) The Petition must be typewritten.
(e) The Petition must be:
(1) mailed or delivered to the Office of Legal Affairs of HPD at 100 Gold Street, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10038, ATTN: General Counsel; or
(2) e-mailed to HPD at rules@hpd.nyc.gov.
(Added City Record 8/6/2021, eff. 9/5/2021)
(a) When a Petition is submitted to HPD in proper form, HPD will stamp or otherwise register receipt of the Petition with the date it was received and will assign the Petition a number or other unique identifier.
(b) HPD Response.
(1) After HPD receives a Petition submitted in proper form, HPD must, within sixty days from the date of the Petition's receipt, either:
(A) deny the Petition in writing, stating the reasons for denial, or
(B) grant the Petition in writing, stating HPD's intention to initiate rulemaking, by a specified date, concerning the subject of the Petition.
(2) HPD is not required to grant the entirety of a Petition and is not bound by the language proposed by a Petition. HPD may amend or modify a Petition's proposed language at HPD's discretion.
(Added City Record 8/6/2021, eff. 9/5/2021)