Not later than the fifteenth day of December, the comptroller shall report to the council, at a stated meeting of the council, on the state of the city's economy and finances, including evaluations of the city's financial plan, as most recently updated by the mayor in accordance with section two hundred fifty-eight, and the assumptions on which the revenue and expenditure forecasts contained therein are based.
Editor's note: this section has been amended by L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 4/1/2025.
Not later than the sixteenth day of January in each odd numbered year, the city planning commission shall submit to the mayor, the borough presidents and the council a report containing its comments on the draft ten-year capital strategy submitted in accordance with section two hundred twenty-eight of this chapter, including such recommendations as it deems appropriate. The city planning commission, in the preparation of such report, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold a public hearing at which interested organizations and individuals may express their opinions regarding the draft ten-year capital strategy.
No later than the sixteenth day of January, or in any calendar year immediately following the election of a mayor, the first day of February, the mayor shall submit to the council, the comptroller, the borough presidents and the city planning commission and publish a preliminary certificate setting forth the maximum amount of debt and reserves which, in the mayor's opinion, the city may soundly incur for capital projects during the ensuing fiscal year and during each of the following three fiscal years, and the maximum amount of appropriations and expenditures for capital projects which the city, given such maximum amount of debt and reserves, may soundly make during each such fiscal year. At any time up to the submission of the executive capital budget to the council, the mayor may amend such preliminary certificate. Any such amendments shall be submitted to the council, the comptroller, the borough presidents and the city planning commission, and published forthwith in the City Record.
(Am. L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 12/3/2024)
Not later than the sixteenth day of January, or in any calendar year immediately following the election of a mayor, the first day of February, the mayor shall submit to the council and publish a preliminary budget for the ensuing fiscal year. Copies of such budget shall be provided to the council, borough presidents, each community board and borough board, the city planning commission, and the department of city planning. A copy of such preliminary budget shall also be provided to the council not later than the sixteenth day of January, or in any calendar year immediately following the election of a mayor, the first day of February, in both a human-readable format or spreadsheet and in a non-proprietary format or spreadsheet that permits automated processing and renders such data capable of being downloaded in bulk or any other format mutually agreed upon between the mayor and the council.
(Am. L.L. 2017/218, 12/1/2017, eff. 12/1/2017; Am. L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 12/3/2024)
On or before the first day of February, or in any calendar year immediately following the election of a mayor, the fifteenth day of February, the director of the independent budget office shall publish a report, for the ensuing fiscal year, with respect to expected levels of revenues and expenditures, taking into account projected economic factors and the proposals contained in the preliminary budget submitted by the mayor for such fiscal year. Such report shall also include a discussion of city budget priorities, including alternative ways of allocating the total amount of appropriations, expenditures and commitments for such fiscal year among major programs or functional categories taking into account how such alternative allocations will meet major city needs and effect balanced growth and development in the city.
(Am. L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 12/3/2024)
Not later than the fifteenth day of February, each community board shall submit to the mayor, the council, director of management and budget, the appropriate borough president and each member of the borough board of the borough in which the community board is located, a statement containing the community board's assessment of the responsiveness of the preliminary budget to its statement of budget priorities submitted pursuant to section two hundred thirty and any other comments or recommendations which it wishes to make in regard to the preliminary budget.
Not later than the fifteenth day of February, the commissioner of finance shall submit to the mayor and to the council:
a. a tentative estimate of the assessed valuation of real property subject to taxation for the ensuing fiscal year, which shall be published forthwith in the City Record; and
b. a certified statement showing as of a specified date the amount of all real property taxes due, the amount expected to be received and the amount actually uncollected by such categories and classifications as will facilitate understanding of such information.
Not later than the fifteenth day of February the mayor shall submit to the council a tax benefit report which shall include:
a. a listing of all exclusions, exemptions, abatements, credits or other benefits allowed against city tax liability, against the base or the rate of, or the amount due pursuant to, each city tax, provided however that such listing need not include any benefits which are applicable without any city action to such city tax because they are available in regard to a federal or state tax on which such city tax is based; and
b. a description of each tax benefit included in such listing, providing the following information:
1. the legal authority for such tax benefit;
2. the objectives of, and eligibility requirements for, such tax benefit;
3. such data and supporting documentation as are available and meaningful regarding the number and kind of taxpayers using benefits pursuant to such tax benefit and the total amount of benefits used pursuant to such tax benefit, by taxable and/or fiscal year;
4. for each tax benefit pursuant to which a taxpayer is allowed to claim benefits in one year and carry them over for use in one or more later years, the number and kind of taxpayers carrying forward benefits pursuant to such tax benefit and the total amount of benefits carried forward, by taxable and/or fiscal year;
5. for nineteen hundred ninety and each year thereafter for which the information required by paragraphs three and four are not available, the reasons therefor, the steps being taken to provide such information as soon as possible, and the first year for which such information will be available;
6. such data and supporting documentation as are available and meaningful regarding the economic and social impact and other consequences of such tax benefit; and
7. a listing and summary of all evaluations and audits of such tax benefit issued during the previous two years.
Not later than the twenty-fifth day of February each borough board shall submit a comprehensive statement on the budget priorities of the borough to the mayor, council, and director of management and budget. Each borough board, in the preparation of this statement, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold one or more public hearings on the preliminary budget, to obtain the views and recommendations of the community boards within the borough, residents of the borough and others with substantial interests in the borough, on the proposals contained in the preliminary budget and on the capital and service needs of the borough. Officers of agencies, when requested by the borough board, shall appear and be heard.