The city may acquire title in fee to real property or any interest therein whenever required for any public or municipal use or purpose or for the promotion of public utility, comfort, health, enjoyment or adornment. Such title or interest shall be acquired according to law by purchase, condemnation or otherwise.
In addition to all other requirements of law, written notice of the application to have compensation for real property ascertained in any proceeding brought by the city to acquire title to real property shall be given by the corporation counsel to the owners of all property affected by the proceeding at least ten days prior to such application, by mailing the same to such owners at the address registered or filed with the commissioner of finance for the purpose of forwarding to them bills for taxes, assessments and frontage water rates. Such notice shall state the purpose for which the property is to be acquired and the date when such application will be presented and shall contain a copy of such application. Upon request by the corporation counsel, the commissioner of finance shall furnish a certified list of the registered or filed names and addresses of such owners. Failure to comply with the directions contained in this section shall not invalidate or affect the proceeding.
The rights of the city in and to its water front, ferries, wharf property, bridges, land under water, public landings, wharves, docks, streets, avenues, highways, parks, waters, waterways and all other public places are hereby declared to be inalienable; but upon the closing or discontinuance of any street, avenue, park or other public place, the property may be sold or otherwise disposed of as may be provided by law, and leases of land under water, wharf property, wharves, docks and piers may be made as may be provided by law. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the granting of franchises, permits and licenses in respect to inalienable property.