a. There shall be a police department the head of which shall be the police commissioner who shall be appointed by the mayor and shall, unless sooner removed, hold office for a term of five years.
b. Whenever in the judgment of the mayor or the governor the public interests shall so require, the commissioner may be removed from office by either, and shall be ineligible for reappointment thereto.
c. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of police commissioner, a police commissioner shall be appointed by the mayor within ten days thereafter.
The commissioner shall have the power to appoint and at pleasure remove seven deputies, one to be known as first deputy commissioner. During the absence or disability of the commissioner, the first deputy commissioner, or if he shall be absent or under disability, the deputy commissioner designated by the commissioner shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the commissioner except the power of making appointments and transfers.
Editor's note: Became Section 1129.