Not later than the twenty-fifth day of February each borough board shall submit a comprehensive statement on the budget priorities of the borough to the mayor, council, and director of management and budget. Each borough board, in the preparation of this statement, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold one or more public hearings on the preliminary budget, to obtain the views and recommendations of the community boards within the borough, residents of the borough and others with substantial interests in the borough, on the proposals contained in the preliminary budget and on the capital and service needs of the borough. Officers of agencies, when requested by the borough board, shall appear and be heard.
Not later than the first day of March, the comptroller shall submit to the mayor and to the council a certified statement which shall be published forthwith in the City Record and which shall contain a schedule of the appropriations required during the ensuing fiscal year for debt service, including appropriations to the several sinking funds as required by law, and such other information as may be required by law.
Not later than the tenth day of March, the council shall approve and submit to the mayor detailed itemized estimates of the financial needs of the council for the ensuing fiscal year. Such estimates shall be comprised of at least one personal service unit of appropriation and at least one other than personal service unit of appropriation for each standing committee of the council and for each organizational unit established pursuant to section forty-five of this charter. The mayor shall include such estimates in the executive budget without revision, but with such recommendations as the mayor may deem proper.
In preparing the executive budget to be submitted in accordance with section two hundred forty-nine, the mayor shall consult with the borough presidents.
a. Not later than the tenth day of March, each borough president shall submit to the mayor and council, in such form and containing such information as the mayor shall prescribe, any proposed modifications of the preliminary budget which the borough president recommends in accordance with the provisions of subdivision b of this section.
b. Each borough president shall propose such modifications to the preliminary budget as the borough president deems to be in the best interest of the borough, taking into consideration community and borough board priorities and testimony received at public hearings held pursuant to section two hundred forty-one. The net effects of any such modifications recommended by the borough president may not result in an increase in the total amount of appropriations proposed in the preliminary budget. If increases in appropriations within the borough are recommended, offsetting reductions in other appropriations within the borough must also be recommended. Each proposed increase or reduction must be stated separately and distinctly and refer each to a single object or purpose.
a. Not later than the twenty-fifth day of March, the council, through its committees, shall hold hearings on the program objectives and fiscal implications of the preliminary budget, the statements of budget priorities of the community boards and borough boards, the draft ten-year capital strategy and the report of the city planning commission on such strategy, the borough presidents recommendations submitted pursuant to section two hundred forty-five to the extent that such recommendations are available at the time of these hearings, and the status of capital projects and expense appropriations previously authorized. The public and representatives of community boards and borough boards may attend and be heard in regard to all such matters. Representatives of the director of management and budget and the director of city planning may attend the hearings and ask questions. Officials of agencies, when requested by the committees of the council, shall appear and be heard.
b. Findings and recommendations of the council, or its committees, including recommendations for any changes in the unit of appropriation structure which the council deems appropriate, shall be submitted to the mayor and published not later than the first day of April. The net effect of the changes recommended by the council in the preliminary capital budget shall not result in a capital budget which exceeds the maximum amount set forth in the preliminary certificate issued pursuant to section two hundred thirty-five of this charter.
(Am. L.L. 2021/037, 3/28/2021, retro. eff. 3/25/2021)
Not later than the twenty-sixth day of April in each odd-numbered year, the mayor shall issue and publish a ten-year capital strategy, prepared in accordance with the provisions of section two hundred fifteen of this chapter.
a. Not later than the first day of May, the mayor shall submit to the council (1) a proposed executive budget for the ensuing fiscal year, and (2) a budget message, both of which, along with any accompanying reports and schedules, shall be printed forthwith. Copies of such proposed executive budget, budget message and any accompanying reports and schedules shall also be provided to the council not later than the first day of May in both a human-readable format or spreadsheet and in a non-proprietary format or spreadsheet that permits automated processing and renders such data capable of being downloaded in bulk or any other format mutually agreed upon between the mayor and the council.
b. As soon after the submission of the executive budget as is practicable, the mayor shall submit to the council copies of all proposed local laws and all proposed home rule requests necessary to implement the recommendations made in the executive budget.
c. Adjustment of expense budget borough allocation. If the executive expense budget submitted by the mayor in accordance with this section includes an expense budget borough allocation which is greater or less than the expense budget borough allocation certified by the mayor to the borough presidents in accordance with subdivision d of section one hundred two, the mayor shall, concomitantly with the submission of the executive expense budget, notify each borough president of the difference between such amounts and of the portion of such difference allocable to each borough pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred two. Within seven days of receiving such notification, each borough president shall submit to the mayor and the council, in such form as the mayor shall prescribe, proposed additional appropriations or proposed reductions in appropriations equaling such portion of such difference.
d. Adjustments of capital budget borough allocations. If the executive capital budget submitted by the mayor in accordance with this section includes a capital budget borough allocation which is greater or less than the capital budget borough allocation certified by the mayor to the borough presidents in accordance with subdivision c of section two hundred eleven the mayor shall, concomitantly with the submission of such executive capital budget, notify each borough president of the difference between such amounts and of the portion of such difference allocable to each borough pursuant to the provisions of subdivision a of section two hundred eleven. Within seven days of receiving such notification, each borough president shall submit to the mayor and the council, in such form as the mayor shall prescribe, proposed additional appropriations or proposed reductions in appropriations equaling such portion of such difference.
(Am. L.L. 2017/218, 12/1/2017, eff. 12/1/2017; Am. L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 12/3/2024)