a. Not later than thirty days prior to the date set by the mayor in accordance with section two hundred thirty-one for the submission of departmental estimates, each community board shall submit to the mayor and the appropriate borough president a statement of its expense budget priorities and a statement of its capital budget priorities for the ensuing fiscal year, in such form and containing such information as the mayor shall prescribe. The form prescribed by the mayor shall include (i) a method by which continuing support may be expressed by a community board for existing programs and capital projects and (ii) reasonable limitations on the total number of expense and capital budget priorities which a community board may propose. The mayor shall provide each community board with reasonable notice of the date set for the submission of such priorities. The mayor shall ensure that representatives of each agency that delivers local services, or is responsible for capital projects, within any community district shall be available for consultation with the community board for such community district in the preparation of its statement of budget priorities.
b. Each community board in the preparation of its statement of budget priorities, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold a public hearing at which residents of the community district and other interested individuals may express their opinions as to the service and capital needs of the district.
c. Copies of each statement of budget priorities shall be provided expeditiously by the mayor to the city planning commission and the head of each agency affected.