The mayor shall, consistent with this charter and other applicable law, establish a program to be implemented no later than the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2020, to promote the participation of residents in identifying and expressing preferences among recommendations for local projects in their communities, and shall consider such projects for inclusion in the executive budget. The council, borough presidents, community boards, and city agencies shall, to the extent practicable, coordinate with the mayor and the civic engagement commission in implementing such program established pursuant to this section and section 3202.
(L.L. 2018/211, 12/3/2018, eff. 4/1/2019)
a. No money, except for grants or gifts from private entities, shall be paid from any fund under the management of the city, or any fund under the management of any agency or officer of the city, or any other entity the majority of the members of whose board are city officials or are appointed directly or indirectly by city officials, except in pursuance of an appropriation by the council or other specific legal authorization; provided, however, that
(1) if at any time the council shall fail to make an appropriation for the payment of debt service on any debts of the city as they fall due, or for the payments to the several sinking funds, the commissioner of finance shall set apart, from the first revenues thereafter received applicable to the general fund of the city, a sum sufficient to pay such amounts and shall so apply such sum; and
(2) money, the ownership and equitable title of which belongs to an individual, corporation, organization or government other than the city and which is being held by any agency or officer of the city pending transfer of such money to such individual, corporation, organization or government in accordance with the terms and conditions pursuant to which it was placed in the custody of such agency or officer, may be transferred to such individual, corporation, organization or government by such agency or officer without an appropriation by law, provided such transfers are made in accordance with such terms and conditions; and
(3) money or other financial resources may only be transferred from one fund to another without specific statutory authorization for such a transfer if that money or those other financial resources are being loaned temporarily to such other fund and an accurate accounting and reporting of the balance of financial resources in each fund and of the amount due by each fund to each other fund is made at the end of each month; and
(4) grants or gifts from private entities exempt from the requirements of this section, and expenditures of such funds, shall be subject to disclosure, at least annually, by the responsible agency, officer or entity in a form and containing such information as the mayor shall prescribe for this purpose by rule.
b. The head of each agency of the city, and each entity the majority of the members of whose board are city officials or individuals appointed directly or indirectly by city officials, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October in each year, submit to the mayor and the council, in such form as the mayor shall prescribe, a statement of the sources, amounts and disposition of all money received by such agency or entity, or by a unit or officer of such agency during the preceding fiscal year, other than (i) money appropriated for the use of such agency or entity by the council, or (ii) money paid by such agency or entity into the city treasury and reported in the annual report of the comptroller for such fiscal year. The mayor shall ensure that copies of such statements are available for public inspection, and shall designate a city officer to maintain copies of such statements for such purpose.
Editor's note: this section has been amended by L.L. 2024/117, 12/3/2024, eff. 4/1/2025.
Not later than the first day of November in each even-numbered year, the director of management and budget and the director of city planning shall jointly submit to the mayor, the council, the borough presidents and the city planning commission a draft ten-year capital strategy prepared in accordance with the provisions of section two hundred fifteen.
a. Not later than the first day of November, the comptroller shall certify to the mayor the actual revenues for the previous fiscal year.
b. Not later than the fifteenth day of November, the mayor shall issue a report comparing actual revenues to estimated revenues in the budget as adopted for the previous fiscal year, accompanied by a detailed listing and an explanation of any variances between actual revenues and estimated revenues. This report shall be published in the City Record.
a. Not later than thirty days prior to the date set by the mayor in accordance with section two hundred thirty-one for the submission of departmental estimates, each community board shall submit to the mayor and the appropriate borough president a statement of its expense budget priorities and a statement of its capital budget priorities for the ensuing fiscal year, in such form and containing such information as the mayor shall prescribe. The form prescribed by the mayor shall include (i) a method by which continuing support may be expressed by a community board for existing programs and capital projects and (ii) reasonable limitations on the total number of expense and capital budget priorities which a community board may propose. The mayor shall provide each community board with reasonable notice of the date set for the submission of such priorities. The mayor shall ensure that representatives of each agency that delivers local services, or is responsible for capital projects, within any community district shall be available for consultation with the community board for such community district in the preparation of its statement of budget priorities.
b. Each community board in the preparation of its statement of budget priorities, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold a public hearing at which residents of the community district and other interested individuals may express their opinions as to the service and capital needs of the district.
c. Copies of each statement of budget priorities shall be provided expeditiously by the mayor to the city planning commission and the head of each agency affected.
a. Not later than such date as the mayor may direct, the head of each agency shall submit to the mayor, in such form and containing such information as the mayor shall require, a detailed estimate of the expense budget requirements of such agency for the ensuing fiscal year and capital budget and program requirements for the ensuing fiscal year and three succeeding fiscal years, prepared in accordance with the provisions of section one hundred and section two hundred twelve, respectively, and a detailed estimate of all receipts, from sources other than taxes, which the agency anticipates collecting during the ensuing fiscal year. Such estimates shall be known collectively as departmental estimates and shall be known respectively as expense budget departmental estimates, capital budget and program departmental estimates and revenue budget departmental estimates. Copies of such departmental estimates shall be provided expeditiously by the mayor to each borough president.
b. In the preparation of such departmental estimates, the head of each agency that delivers local services, or is responsible for capital projects, within any community district shall (1) consult with the community board for such community district through appropriate officers and employees of the agency, and (2) consider the community board statements of expense and capital budget priorities submitted in accordance with section two hundred thirty of this chapter.