Not later than the twenty-fifth day of February each borough board shall submit a comprehensive statement on the budget priorities of the borough to the mayor, council, and director of management and budget. Each borough board, in the preparation of this statement, shall, upon adequate public notice, hold one or more public hearings on the preliminary budget, to obtain the views and recommendations of the community boards within the borough, residents of the borough and others with substantial interests in the borough, on the proposals contained in the preliminary budget and on the capital and service needs of the borough. Officers of agencies, when requested by the borough board, shall appear and be heard.
Not later than the first day of March, the comptroller shall submit to the mayor and to the council a certified statement which shall be published forthwith in the City Record and which shall contain a schedule of the appropriations required during the ensuing fiscal year for debt service, including appropriations to the several sinking funds as required by law, and such other information as may be required by law.
Not later than the tenth day of March, the council shall approve and submit to the mayor detailed itemized estimates of the financial needs of the council for the ensuing fiscal year. Such estimates shall be comprised of at least one personal service unit of appropriation and at least one other than personal service unit of appropriation for each standing committee of the council and for each organizational unit established pursuant to section forty-five of this charter. The mayor shall include such estimates in the executive budget without revision, but with such recommendations as the mayor may deem proper.
In preparing the executive budget to be submitted in accordance with section two hundred forty-nine, the mayor shall consult with the borough presidents.
a. Not later than the tenth day of March, each borough president shall submit to the mayor and council, in such form and containing such information as the mayor shall prescribe, any proposed modifications of the preliminary budget which the borough president recommends in accordance with the provisions of subdivision b of this section.
b. Each borough president shall propose such modifications to the preliminary budget as the borough president deems to be in the best interest of the borough, taking into consideration community and borough board priorities and testimony received at public hearings held pursuant to section two hundred forty-one. The net effects of any such modifications recommended by the borough president may not result in an increase in the total amount of appropriations proposed in the preliminary budget. If increases in appropriations within the borough are recommended, offsetting reductions in other appropriations within the borough must also be recommended. Each proposed increase or reduction must be stated separately and distinctly and refer each to a single object or purpose.