Any building located on the boundary line of a fire district, so that it is both inside and outside the district, shall be of a type of construction required for the fire districts if more than twenty-five per cent of the total floor area of the building is located therein.
Article 4: Limitations Inside the Fire Districts
No buildings in those combinations of construction classes and occupancy groups prohibited by tables 4-1 and 4-2 shall be erected inside the fire districts or shall be moved from outside to inside the fire districts, or from one lot to another inside the fire districts. No building or space classified in occupancy group J-1 or J-2 may be located on a lot containing a building classified in construction group IE, IID or IIE.
The following constructions shall be exempt from the provisions of section 27-296 of this article:
(a) One- or two-family dwellings. One- or two-family detached or semi-detached dwellings of two stories or less in height and two thousand five hundred square feet or less in area located within zoning residence districts may be constructed or reconstructed of construction groups II-D combustible materials, or if damaged for any cause, only the damaged portions shall be required to be reconstructed to conform to IID construction. In addition, one-family dwellings located within zoning residence district anywhere in the city, may be of combustible group IIE construction in conformance with the area and height limits established by tables 4-1 and 4-2.
(b) Fences. Fences not over six feet high may be erected of wood or other combustible material.
(c) Storm enclosures, bay windows, etc. Storm enclosures, bay windows and similar appendages may be constructed of combustible materials in accordance with the provisions of section 27-336 of article four of subchapter five of this chapter.
(d) Accessory buildings for open parking lots. Parking lot offices and similar accessory buildings not more than ten feet high and not more than one hundred fifty square feet in area may be constructed of combustible materials when on the same lot or accessory to a lot used for motor vehicle parking, and when located at least six feet from any lot line or building.
(e) Temporary structures. Temporary platforms, reviewing stands, and similar miscellaneous structures may be constructed of combustible materials and used for a limited period of time, subject to the approval of the commissioner.
(f) Greenhouse. Greenhouses may be constructed of combustible materials when accessory to a one- or two-family dwelling on the same lot and when located at least six feet from any lot line or building.
(g) Roof structures. Cooling towers, antenna supports, and other roof structures may be constructed of combustible materials in accordance with the provisions of section 27-338 of subchapter five of this chapter.
(h) Bins, tanks, and towers. Coal and material bins, water towers, tank structures, and trestles may be constructed of wood planking and timbers of dimensions not less than as required for class II-A construction when not over thirty-five feet high and having an exterior separation of a least thirty feet.
(i) Signs. Ground signs, wall signs, roof signs, and temporary signs may be constructed of combustible materials within the limitations established in article eighteen of subchapter seven of this chapter.
Article 5: Limitations Outside the Fire Districts