701.2.2 Availability of public sanitary or combined sewer.
The determination as to whether a public sanitary or combined sewer is available shall be made in accordance with the applicable standards of the Department of Environmental Protection.
701.2.3 Feasibility of connecting to an available sanitary or combined public sewer.
The determination as to whether connection to an available sanitary or combined public sewer is feasible shall be in accordance with the applicable standards of the Department of Environmental Protection.
701.2.4 Where public sewers are made available to premises with private sewage disposal system.
When public sewers are made available to premises with individual on-site private disposal systems, such private sewage disposal system shall be abandoned in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, and the owner shall connect the building house sewer to the available public sewer within 6 months of the date of notification that the sewer has been accepted to receive flow by the agency or agencies having jurisdiction.
701.2.5 Abandonment of existing building sewer connections.
All abandoned building sewers shall require plug permits from the Department of Environmental Protection and shall be securely sealed at a point inside the curb line and as close thereto as practicable.
701.3 Separate sewer connection.
A building having plumbing fixtures installed and intended for human habitation, occupancy or use on premises abutting on a street, alley or easement in which there is a public sewer shall have a separate connection with the sewer. Where located on the same lot, multiple buildings shall not be prohibited from connecting to a common building sewer that connects to the public sewer, provided, however, that the common elements of an internal private drain are located in a dedicated, unobstructed right-of-way that extends to the sewer with a minimum width of 10 feet (3048 mm) located entirely outside of the building footprint and outside of all overhangs and projections that are less than 14 feet (4267 mm) in height above grade.
701.4 Sewage treatment.
Sewage or other waste shall not be discharged into surface or subsurface water unless it has been discharged by a method subject to the approval of the commissioner and of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
701.5 Damage to drainage system or public sewer.
Waste detrimental to the public sewer system or to the functioning of the sewage-treatment plant shall be treated and disposed of in accordance with applicable rules of the Department of Environmental Protection.