503.2.4.2 Group R-3 occupancies set back more than 100-150 feet.
The fire apparatus access road to a Group R-3 building with any main front entrance located more than 100 feet (30 480 mm) but not more than 150 feet (45 720 mm) from the street line (as measured along the route of the fire apparatus access road) shall be designed and constructed with an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) in accordance with FC 503.2.2 where:
1. The fire apparatus access road is designed and is used exclusively to provide access only to a single Group R-3 building, and to no other buildings; and
2. The height of the Group R-3 building does not exceed 35 feet (10 668 mm) above the grade plane (with the terms "building height" and "grade plane" having the meanings set forth in Section 502.1 of the Building Code); and
3. The fire apparatus access road provides access to the frontage space of each occupancy, except as otherwise provided in FC 504.1.2; and
4. The dwelling units are equipped with interconnected smoke alarms, in accordance with Section 907.2.10* of the Building Code; and
* Editor's note: correct reference should be Section 907.2.11 of the Building Code.
5. The dwelling units are protected throughout by a sprinkler system; and
6. At least two off-street parking spaces for a one-family dwelling, and at least three such spaces for a two-family dwelling are provided on the premises separate from the fire apparatus access road; and
7. Parking is prohibited on the fire apparatus access road, and a "No Parking" sign conforming to the requirements of FC 503.2.7.2 is conspicuously posted at the entrance to the access road.
503.2.4.3 Group R-3 occupancies set back more than 150 feet.
The fire apparatus access road to a Group R-3 building with any main front entrance located more than 150 feet (45720 mm) from the street line (as measured along the route of the fire apparatus access road) shall be designed and constructed in compliance with FC 503.2.2, except as approved by the commissioner and subject to such conditions as the commissioner may require.
503.2.5 Obstruction.
Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner that impedes vehicular access, except for lawful parking and approved traffic calming devices. The minimum widths and clearances required by FC 503.2.3 shall be maintained at all times, except with prior department approval.
503.2.5.1. Traffic calming device signage.
Traffic calming devices shall be identified by approved signage or roadway markings.
503.2.6 Secondary fire apparatus access.
The commissioner may require more than one fire apparatus access road to one or more buildings where fire apparatus access is impeded to or on the primary access road as a result of substandard width public streets, substandard width fire apparatus access roads, traffic patterns, traffic calming devices, railroad crossings, and other conditions that would significantly delay an emergency response.
503.2.7 Parking.
Motor vehicles shall not be parked on fire apparatus access roads except in lawful parking spaces that do not obstruct fire apparatus access. Curbside street parking that is lawfully established in accordance with the Zoning Resolution, Building Code and/or other applicable laws, rules and regulations is allowed on any fire apparatus access road if such curbside street parking does not reduce the usable roadway width to less than 18 feet (5486 mm). This requirement shall not be applicable to fire apparatus access roads whose design and use for parking was lawfully existing prior to the effective date of this section. For purposes of this usable roadway width determination, the dimensions of each parking space shall not be less than established by the department, consistent with the regulations of the New York City Department of Transportation for vehicles intended to be parked in such spaces, or, in the absence of such standard, as approved by the department.
503.2.7.1 Parking regulations necessitated by roadway configuration.
The commissioner may restrict parking on fire apparatus roads where the angle of approach, curvature of the road, or other roadway configuration or site conditions impede the ability of fire apparatus to make turns or otherwise navigate the fire apparatus access road. Such restrictions shall constitute an operational requirement of this code.