511.6 Standpipe elevation markings.
The elevation above grade of each floor level shall be conspicuously marked in accordance with FC 905 on or adjacent to the standpipe hose outlets on each floor of a high-rise megastructure.
511.7 Storage space for pre-positioned department equipment.*
Space shall be provided in a storage room, mechanical room or other approved, enclosed, secure storage location in a high-rise megastructure for the sole purpose of storing department equipment, in accordance with the following requirements:
1. A storage space shall be provided for every 150 feet (45 720 mm) in elevation more than 420 feet (128 016 mm) above the lowest level of fire apparatus access, at a location near the fire service access elevator or a stairwell.
2. Each such storage space shall be not less than 8 feet (2438 mm) in length, 8 feet (2438 mm) in width, and 8 feet (2438 mm) in height, and openable only by fire department standard key or as otherwise approved by the department. Upon reasonable notice to the department, the owner shall be afforded access to such storage spaces for inspection, building maintenance or other legitimate business purpose.
3. Each such storage space shall be protected by a sprinkler system, except as otherwise approved by the department.
4. Each storage space shall be identified by a sign or marking in accordance with the rules identifying it as a department equipment room.
5. This constitutes an operational requirement of this code; however, in a building constructed prior to the effective date of this section that lacks storage spaces in compliance with this section, suitable storage spaces (including spaces not protected by a sprinkler system) may be provided at alternative locations, as approved by the department.
* Editor's note: Section 8 of L.L. 2022/047 provides, in part, that FC 511.7 shall take effect one year from the date of adoption of a zoning amendment exempting from the calculation of the building floor area ratio storage spaces for pre-positioned department equipment.
511.8 Access to elevator shafts.
The department, in coordination with the Department of Buildings, may adopt rules requiring additional access to elevator cabs, installation of elevator location technology, or other design, installation or operational measures designed to facilitate rescue operations in blind hoistways 36 feet (10 973 mm) or more in height in high-rise megastructures.
512.1 General.
The design, installation, operation and maintenance of solar panel systems, including photovoltaic and thermal systems, on the rooftops of buildings and structures, shall be in accordance with this section, the Electrical Code and the construction codes, including the Building Code, Mechanical Code and Plumbing Code.
512.2 Flat-roofed buildings and structures 100 feet or less in height.
Solar panel installations shall not obstruct any rooftop area access to which is required pursuant to FC 504.4, except that solar panel installations may obstruct the clear path required by FC 504.4.4 as follows:
1. if the installation is provided with a hinged mechanism or other device for which a certificate of approval has been issued that enables the installation to be safely swung, slid, lifted, collapsed or otherwise moved out of the clear path, and that is designed to allow for operation by one person, without the use of a tool; or
2. on any building with a rooftop width or depth of 25 feet (7620 mm) or less, where the design of a solar panel installation necessitates coverage of all or substantially all of the rooftop across the full width or length thereof, the commissioner may authorize permanent obstructions that encroach upon and thereby reduce the clear path width within such area when necessary to accommodate the presence of building features and building service equipment that constitute permanent obstructions, including attic ventilators, bulkheads, chimneys, hatches, plumbing ventilations pipes, scuttles, skylights, and roof-mounted heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment. Such permanent obstructions may encroach upon and, for the distance of the obstruction, reduce the clear path width up to 2 feet (610 mm). Such permanent obstructions shall not reduce the width of clear path at any point to less than 4 feet (1219 mm) and shall not encroach upon the rooftop landing areas required by FC 504.4.3.
512.3 Pitched-roofed buildings and structures 100 feet or less in height.
Solar panel installations shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with this section on rooftops of buildings and structures 100 feet (30 480 mm) or less in height with a slope exceeding 20 degrees, except detached Group U buildings and structures.