503.2 Fire apparatus access roads.
Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided, designed, installed and maintained in accordance with this section.
503.2.1 Where required.
Where the frontage space to a building does not directly front on a public street, a fire apparatus access road shall be provided from the public street to the frontage space of such building.
503.2.2 Design and construction.
Except as otherwise provided in FC 503.2.4, a fire apparatus access road shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards of the New York City Department of Transportation and in compliance with the following requirements:
503.2.2.1 Surface.
Fire apparatus access roads shall have an all-weather driving surface constructed of asphalt, concrete or other approved permeable or impermeable material.
503.2.2.2 Load-bearing capacity.
Fire apparatus access roads shall be capable of supporting the imposed load of department apparatus weighing at least 80,000 pounds (36 320 kg) and the operational load of department apparatus outrigger of 52,000 pounds (23 608 kg) over a 2 foot (610 mm) by 2 foot (610 mm) area.
503.2.2.3 Grade.
The grade of the fire apparatus access road shall not exceed 10 percent unless approved by the commissioner.
503.2.2.4 Turning radius.
The required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be determined by the commissioner.