Article I. Town Budget
15-1 Fiscal year
15-2 Preparation and submission
15-3 Budget a public record
15-4 Contents of recommended budget
15-5 Public hearing on the budget
15-6 Budget amendments authorized
15-7 Reserved
15-8 Limitation on appropriation
15-9 Fees belong to town
15-10 Capital outlay defined
15-11 – 15-19 Reserved
Article II. Purchasing
15-20 Short title
15-21 Definitions
15-22 Town purchasing agent
15-23 Requisitions and estimates
15-24 Purchase orders
15-25 Certification of funds
15-26 Prohibition of interest
15-27 Formal competitive bidding procedures
15-28 Open market procedure
15-29 Emergency purchases
15-30 Inspection
15-31 Procurement of professional services
15-32 Surplus stock
15-33 Cooperative purchasing
15-34 Appeals and remedies
15-35 - 15-89 Reserved
Article III. Library Trust Fund
15-90 Definitions; contributions; intent
15-91 Administration
15-92 Finances and fund management
15-93 Repeal or termination of system