Article I. General Provisions
73-1 Adoption of state misdemeanors
73-2 – 73-9 Reserved
Article II. Offenses Against Property
73-10 Damaging property of another
73-11 – 73-14 Reserved
Article III. Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety
73-15 Curfew for minors
73-16 Throwing stones, missiles
73-17 Abandoned refrigerators
73-18 Lewd and lascivious behavior
73-19 Breach of peace; disorderly conduct
Article IV. Rave Clubs
73-30 Legislative findings, intent, and purpose
73-31 Definitions
73-32 Permit required; application for permit
73-33 Requirement for issuance of permit; posting
73-34 Application and renewal fees
73-35 Persons under eighteen prohibited in adult rave clubs
73-36 Persons age eighteen and over prohibited in juvenile rave clubs
73-37 Hours of operation
73-38 Security paramedic
73-39 Land development Code; fire prevention; offenses
73-40 Rave club operator
73-41 Inspection
73-42 Expiration of permit
73-43 Suspension of permit
73-44 Revocation of permit
73-45 Appeals
73-46 Transfer of permit
73-47 Penalties and remedies
73-48 - 73-49 Reserved
Article V. Sexual Predators and Offenders
73-50 Findings and intent
73-51 Definitions
73-52 Sexual violator residence prohibition; penalties; exceptions
73-53 Property owners prohibited from renting real property to certain sexual violators; penalties
73-54 Temporary emergency shelters; sexual predators, sexual offenders, and sexual violators notification requirements
73-55 - 73-59 Reserved
Article VI. Parks and Beaches
73-60 Definitions
73-61 Smoking prohibited
73-62 Penalties
73-63 – 73-99 Reserved