Article I. Beaches
40-1 Driving on beaches
40-2 Littering of beaches
40-3 Walking on dunes
40-4 Dressing and undressing in improper places
40-5 – 40-19 Reserved
Article II. Sea Turtles
40-20 Definitions
40-21 Purpose
40-22 New development
40-23 Exemptions for new development
40-24 Lighting of existing structures
40-25 Publicly-owned lighting
40-26 – 40-29 Reserved
Article III. Boats, Docks and Waterways
40-30 Speed of boats
40-31 Use of casting nets and similar devices in vicinity of municipal pier
40-32 Vehicles prohibited on municipal pier
40-33 Taking or attempted taking of fish from certain salt-water residential canals
40-34 – 40-99 Reserved