General Provisions
116.001 Title
116.002 Purpose
116.003 Existing franchise and agreement
116.004 Definitions
Franchise Provisions
116.015 Grant of franchise
116.016 Franchise required
116.017 Length of franchise
116.018 Franchise characteristics
116.019 Subject to other laws; police power
116.020 Interpretation of franchise terms
116.021 Operation of cable system without a franchise
116.022 Acts at franchisee’s expense
116.023 Eminent domain
116.024 Exclusive contracts; anti-competitive acts prohibited
Applications for Grants, Renewals and the Like; Transfers
116.035 Written application
116.036 Application for grant of franchise other than renewal
116.037 Application for grant of renewal
116.038 Contents of franchise and renewal applications
116.039 Application for franchise modification
116.040 Franchise transfers
116.041 Filing fees and deposits
116.042 Intergovernmental cooperation
Construction Provisions
116.055 System construction schedule
116.056 Construction procedures
116.057 Construction standards
116.058 Area served
116.059 Line extension requirements
116.060 System tests and inspections
116.061 Use of public property
116.062 Interference with projects
116.063 Publicizing proposed construction work
116.064 System maintenance
116.065 Continuity of service
System Facilities, Equipment and Services
116.075 Compliance with franchise agreement
116.076 Full service to municipal buildings
116.077 Cable channels for commercial use, local commercial television signals and non- commercial educational television
116.078 Technical standards
116.079 Interconnection
116.080 Integration of advancements in technology
116.081 System design review process
116.082 Emergency alert system
Operation and Reporting Provisions
116.095 Open books and records
116.096 Communication with regulatory agencies
116.097 Reports
116.098 Records required
116.099 Performance evaluation
116.100 Voluminous materials
116.101 Retention of records; relation to privacy rights
Consumer Protection and Customer Service Provisions
116.115 Telephone and office availability
116.116 Scheduling work
116.117 Notice to subscribers
116.118 Interruptions of service
116.119 Billing
116.120 Disconnections and downgrades
116.121 Changes in service
116.122 Deposits
116.123 Subscriber control
Rate Regulations
116.135 Regulation of rates
Franchise Fee
116.145 Finding
116.146 Payment to village
116.147 Tax provisions
116.148 Payments
116.149 No accord or satisfaction
116.150 Audit
Insurance, Surety and Indemnification
116.160 Insurance required
116.161 Qualifications of sureties
116.162 Policies available for review
116.163 Additional insureds; prior notice of policy cancellation
116.164 Failure constitutes material violation
116.165 Indemnification
Performance Guarantees and Remedies
116.175 Security fund
116.176 Performance bond
116.177 Failure constitutes material violation
116.178 Remedies
116.179 Shortening, revocation or terminating franchise
116.180 Remedies cumulative
116.181 Relation to insurance and indemnity requirements
Protection of Individual Rights
116.195 Discriminatory practices prohibited
116.196 Equal employment opportunity
116.197 Subscriber privacy
Miscellaneous Provisions
116.210 Compliance with laws
116.211 Captions
116.212 No recourse against the village
116.213 Rights and remedies
116.214 Incorporation by reference
116.215 Force majeure
116.216 Public emergency
116.217 Connections to system; use of antennae
116.218 Calculation of time
116.999 Penalty
Cable and video services, see Ch. 119