(A)   A franchisee shall at all times maintain at an office within the county:
      (1)   Records of all written or recorded complaints received; (The term COMPLAINTS, as used herein and throughout this code, refers to complaints about any aspect of the cable system or franchisee’s operations, including, without limitation, complaints about employee courtesy.)
      (2)   A full and complete set of plans, records and “as built” maps showing the exact location of all system equipment installed or in use in the village, exclusive of subscriber service drops;
      (3)   Records of outages, indicating date, duration, area and the estimated number of subscribers affected, type of outage and cause;
      (4)   Records of service calls for repair and maintenance indicating the date and time of the service call, the date of acknowledgment and date and time service was scheduled, if it was scheduled, and the date and time service was provided and, if different, the date and time the problem was solved;
      (5)   Records of installation/reconnection and requests for service extension, indicating date of request, date of acknowledgment and the date and time service was extended;
      (6)   A public file showing its plan and timetable for any construction regarding the cable system; and
      (7)   All rules, regulations, terms and conditions adopted for conduct of the franchisee’s business.
   (B)   The Village Board may request franchise to provide the records and may require retention of additional information, records and documents from time to time, as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of the rights, functions or duties of the village in connection with this code.
(`92 Code, § 8-1-76) (Ord. 96-19, passed 10-2-96)