(A)   To be acceptable for filing, an application hereunder shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the following amounts to cover the village’s internal administrative costs incidental to the franchising process:
      (1)   For a initial franchise: $1,000.
      (2)   For renewal of a franchise under 47 USC § 546(a) through (g): $1,000.
      (3)   For renewal of a franchise under 47 USC § 546(h): $500.
      (4)   For modification of a franchise agreement: $500.
      (5)   For approval of a franchise transfer: $500.
   (B)   An applicant shall be notified of any public proceedings held in connection with the evaluation of its application and shall be given an opportunity to be heard thereat. Notice of all public proceedings of the village shall be published and posted in accordance with its usual practices.
(`92 Code, § 8-1-46) (Ord. 96-19, passed 10-2-96)