There is hereby created in the city the Abandoned Vehicle Fund, pursuant to IC 9-22-1-30. The Abandoned Vehicle Fund shall be a revolving fund, and all monies paid to the city for the cost of removal, storage and disposal of abandoned vehicles or parts shall be placed in the Fund. The Fund shall also have added to it such monies as may be appropriated by the Council and monies shall not revert, but shall remain in the Abandoned Vehicle Fund. The costs for removal, storage and disposal of any abandoned vehicle or parts not claimed by the person who owns or holds a lien on the vehicle shall be paid from the Abandoned Vehicle Fund.
(Ord. 2004-10, passed 7-20-04)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the Farmers Market Grant Fund. The monies for this fund will come from a Rural Development Grant.
(B) The account shall be named the Farmers Market Grant Fund and all funds contained in said account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive purpose of the Farmers Market.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist until grant monies have been expended and the fund has been audited by the State Board of Accounts.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2005-19, passed 12-6-05)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the Public Safety Local Income Tax Fund. The funds will come from the Jefferson County Auditor monthly or as established by the State of Indiana.
(B) The account shall be named the Public Safety Local Income Tax Fund and all monies contained in said account shall be expended only for the purposes and uses as authorized by IC 6-3.6-6-8 and IC 6-3.6-2-14 and as appropriated by the Common Council.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2020-3, passed 3-17-2020)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the County Tax Fund. The monies will come from the county with the city's bi-annual tax draw.
(B) The account shall be named the County Tax Fund and all monies contained in said account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive uses as listed by the Mayor as the list was provided to the County Auditor.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2005-21, passed 12-6-05)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the Community of Compassion Fund. The monies will come from donations and fund raisers from the Madison Community.
(B) The account shall be named the Community of Compassion Fund and all funds contained in said account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of aiding disaster victims in Jefferson County, Indiana.
(C) The funds may be given to Jefferson County, Indiana relief agencies to be used for local emergencies.
(D) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(E) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(F) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2005-22, passed 12-6-05; Am. Ord. 2014-1, passed 2-10-14)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the Bi- Centennial Event. The monies for this fund will come from donations to the event.
(B) The account shall be named the Bi-Centennial Event Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive purpose of the Bi-Centennial Event.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist until grant monies have been expended and the fund has been audited by the State Board of Accounts.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2007-17, passed 12-4-07)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the purpose of purchasing equipment, capital improvements to facilities, land acquisition, granting matching funds, major repairs to equipment, making payments on lease/purchase debt agreements or similar debt instruments and other qualifying capital improvement expenditures for the City of Madison Sewer Utilities as listed in division (C) below. The monies will come from surplus operational funds of the Sewer Utility accounts, donations or from any other lawful source.
(B) The account shall be named the Sewer Utilities Capital Improvement Fund. All funds contained in the account shall be expended only for financing expenses directly related to major repairs or replacement of capitalized structures or equipment, matching funds for grants, land acquisition or debt service for capitalized items.
(C) Expenditures from the fund that may be considered are land acquisition, structures, new or used equipment subject to being capitalized, and may include rolling stock vehicles and equipment, lifts, pumps, sewage treatment transmission lines and equipment, IT equipment, including communication equipment and computer hardware and software, engineering professional services, and any repair of existing equipment or structures exceeding $10,000 in cost.
(D) The fund will be primarily funded by surplus funds acquired from the operation of the Sewer Utility. The Superintendent of Utilities and the Mayor shall review the financial condition of the utility to determine the initial lump sum amount of funds to be deposited to the fund, as well as a monthly transfer of funds from the Sewer Operating Fund. The Superintendent of Utilities will recommend the required fund transfer to the Board of Public Works and Safety, for both the initial lump sum transfer and the monthly transfer amount, with the approval of the Mayor, and these allowances of funds to be transferred will be reviewed at least annually. If the funds available in the Sewer Operating Fund become insufficient to safely meet its obligations, the Superintendent of Utilities may also request that surplus funds in the Capital Improvement Fund be transferred to the Sewer Utility Operations Fund, with the approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety.
(E) The express and written approval of the Board of Works and Safety shall be obtained prior to the expenditure or transfer of funds from the account.
(F) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(G) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the operating fund of the Sewer Utilities.
(Ord. 2016-5, passed 4-19-16)
(A) An account is established for the purpose of depositing monies from donations, appropriations from city accounts or from any lawful source for paying the required obligations for the city for clean drinking water.
(B) The account shall be named the Clean Drinking Water Non-reverting Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of paying expenses related to providing clean drinking water for the City of Madison Water Utility.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2022-17, passed 9-6-22)