(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the purpose of purchasing or making major repairs to equipment owned by the City of Madison. The monies will come from donations, appropriations from city accounts, or from any other lawful source.
(B) The account shall be named the Equipment Reserve Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of financing the expenses directly related to the purchase, replacement, major repairs, matching funds for grants or debt service for city equipment.
(C) Equipment that may be considered for expenditures from the Fund may be any new or used equipment subject to being capitalized and may include rolling stock vehicles and equipment, lifts, IT equipment to include communication equipment and computer hardware and software, and any repair of existing equipment exceeding $10,000.
(D) Expenditures from the Fund may be made to match grants and for debt service for lease/purchase agreements or other debt instruments on qualified equipment as defined in division (C) above.
(E) The express and written approval of the Board of Works and Safety shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(F) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(G) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2014-16, passed 11-5-14)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the maintenance and operation of TIF District.
(B) The account shall be named the TIF District Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive purpose of financing the maintenance and operation of TIF.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council of the city.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 1996-6, passed 4-2-96)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the maintenance and operation of the Community Development Action Grant.
(B) The account shall be named the Community Development Action Grant Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive purpose of financing the maintenance and operation of the Community Development Action Grant.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council of the city.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 1996-7, passed 4-2-96)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for deductible requirements for the State of Indiana's Excess Liability Trust Fund as regulated and required by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management pursuant to Indiana Administrative Code 329 IAC 9, I.C. 13-23-8 and I.C. 13-23-9. The monies will come from appropriations from city accounts or from any other lawful source.
(B) Said account shall be named the Underground Storage Tanks Liability Fund and all funds contained in said account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of paying the city's required deductible of the Indiana Excess Liability Trust Fund should a release of underground leak or above ground spill occur.
(C) The monies placed in the Fund shall be dedicated in a separate bank account or in an authorized investment instrument and shall not be commingled with any other city funds.
(D) Said account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by the mutual consent of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the City of Madison by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If said account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2014-17, passed 10-21-14)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the Walnut Street Initiative. The monies will come from donations, fundraisers, appropriations from city accounts, or from any other lawful source.
(B) The account shall be named the Walnut Street Initiative/City of Madison, IN Fund and all funds contained in said account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose to pay for direct operating expenses, educational materials, infrastructure, landscaping, professional services, art work, matching funds for grants and other related expenses required for the continued successful operations of the Walnut Street Initiative Committee.
(C) Prior to any expenditures made from this fund, the Madison Department of Public Parks shall review the claim(s) submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer and recommend to the Board of Public Works and Safety whether the disbursement should be made. The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from the account.
(D) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Department of Public Parks.
(Ord. 2014-24, passed 1-20-15)
(A) An account is established for the purpose of defraying costs of administrative and judicial abatement of public nuisances. The fund shall be reimbursed by collection from the property or property owner, or any responsible person, as specified in Chapter 96 and by the courts. This fund may be operated and used in conjunction with procedures ordered or authorized under this or any other abatement provision of the city.
(B) The account shall be named the Nuisance Abatement Non-reverting Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of paying expenses related to the administrative and judicial abatement of public nuisances.
(C) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(D) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2022-12, passed 8-17-22)
(A) An account is established for the purpose of depositing monies from fees/penalties/fines collected by the Planning, Preservation, and Design Department, donations, grants, appropriations from city accounts or from any lawful source for paying the required obligations for the city planning, preservation, and design.
(B) The account shall be named the Planning, Preservation, and Design Non-reverting Fund and all funds contained in the account shall be expended only for the exclusive purpose of paying expenses related to printing/advertisements, purchase of office supplies, professional development, or professional/contracted services for the Planning, Preservation, and Design Department.
(C) The account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(D) If the account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 8-17-22)
(A) An account is established for the deposit of monies for the maintenance and operation of the Heritage Trails Fund.
(B) Said account shall be named the Heritage Trails Fund and all funds contained in said account shall be expended only for the limited and exclusive purpose of financing the maintenance and operation of the Heritage Trails Fund.
(C) The express and written approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Madison shall be obtained prior to the expenditure of funds from said account.
(D) Said account shall be nonreverting and exist perpetually unless terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council.
(E) If said account is terminated by a subsequent ordinance enacted by the Common Council, the remaining balance of the terminated account shall revert to the general budget of the Common Council.
(Ord. 1999-4, passed 4-20-99)