1245.00 Application of chapters.
1245.01 Lots and building areas.
1245.02 Private access easement roads and private streets.
1245.02.1 Class III roads.
1245.02.2 Private access easement - low density residential development.
1245.03 Required improvements.
1245.04 Monuments.
1245.05 Street improvements.
1245.06 Street name signs and addresses.
1245.07 Drainage.
1245.08 Water and sewerage facilities.
1245.09 Utility easements.
1245.10 On-site sewage disposal systems.
1245.11 Construction responsibilities.
1245.12 Record drawings.
1245.13 Agreements and surety.
1245.14 Tree preservation.
Prescriptive easements for water and sewer services - see Code of Va. § 15.2-2109.1
Regulations requiring subdividers or developer to share in cost of providing sewer and drainage facilities - see Code of Va. § 15.2-2242
Subdivision; roll-back taxes - see B.R. & T. 848.062
Naming of streets - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1020
Street signs in planned developments and subdivisions - see S.U. & P.S. 1021.07
Addressing of premises - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1026
Water wells and systems - see S.U. & P. S. Ch. 1040 et seq.
Sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060 et seq.
Construction plans and profiles - see P. & Z. 1243.10
Coordination of streets - see P. & Z. 1243.11