1245.00 Application of chapters.
1245.01 Lots and building areas.
1245.02 Private access easement roads and private streets.
1245.02.1 Class III roads.
1245.02.2 Private access easement - low density residential development.
1245.03 Required improvements.
1245.04 Monuments.
1245.05 Street improvements.
1245.06 Street name signs and addresses.
1245.07 Drainage.
1245.08 Water and sewerage facilities.
1245.09 Utility easements.
1245.10 On-site sewage disposal systems.
1245.11 Construction responsibilities.
1245.12 Record drawings.
1245.13 Agreements and surety.
1245.14 Tree preservation.
1245.15 Development in mapped dam break inundation zones
Prescriptive easements for water and sewer services - see Code of Va. § 15.2-2109.1
Regulations requiring subdividers or developer to share in cost of providing sewer and drainage facilities - see Code of Va. § 15.2-2242
Subdivision; roll-back taxes - see B.R. & T. 848.062
Naming of streets - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1020
Street signs in planned developments and subdivisions - see S.U. & P.S. 1021.07
Addressing of premises - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1026
Water wells and systems - see S.U. & P. S. Ch. 1040 et seq.
Sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060 et seq.
Construction plans and profiles - see P. & Z. 1243.10
Coordination of streets - see P. & Z. 1243.11
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to subdivision and site plan applications filed pursuant to Chapters 1241 through 1244 of these Subdivision Regulations and to any other land use application as made applicable by proffer, condition or other requirements. Such development standards are supplemented by the provisions of the Facilities Standards Manual.
(Ord. 00-04. Passed 4-29-00.)
(1) The lot area, width, depth, shape, orientation, yards and other lot requirements shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and shall be such that all lots provide sites for homes or buildings conforming to these regulations.
(2) Except where otherwise specifically provided for in these regulations or in the Zoning Ordinance, all lots shall front on an existing or recorded public street dedicated by the subdivision plat and maintained or designed and built to be maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
(3) Double frontage or reversed frontage lots should be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from streets or to overcome disadvantages of topography.
(4) No outlot shall be created except in accordance with the specific provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 00-04. Passed 4-29-00.)