EDITOR'S NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, this chapter was enacted by an ordinance that became effective on April 6, 1976.
1040.01 Definitions.
1040.02 Application of chapter; compliance.
1040.03 Approval of system required prior to use.
1040.04 Inspections.
1040.05 Unsafe water prohibited.
1040.06 Installation of systems; permit required.
1040.07 Installation of well water systems; license and bond required.
1040.08 Fees.
1040.09 Location.
1040.10 General requirements.
1040.11 Criteria for approving water supply systems. (Repealed)
1040.12 Specifications for construction of deep wells.
1040.13 Specifications for construction of shallow wells.
1040.14 Appurtenances.
1040.15 Grouting procedure.
1040.16 Disinfection and testing prior to use.
1040.17 Notice to correct.
1040.18 Equitable remedies.
1040.19 Individual wells within the limestone overlay district approved prior to February 17, 2010.
1040.99 Penalty.
Appendix I. Fee Schedule.
Appendix II. Tables.
Appendix III. Maximum Contaminant Levels.
Appendix IV. Construction and Testing of Wells.
Groundwater Management Act of 1992 - see Code of Va. § 62.1-254 et seq.
Sanitation Authority - see ADM. Ch. 260
Application of water system regulations - see S.U. & P.S. 1042.01
Water supply emergency - see S.U. & P.S. 1046.06 et seq.
Water facilities in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1245.08
As used in this chapter:
(a) “Adequate water” means that the water supply system shall be capable of supplying water in an adequate quantity for its intended usage and meets the standards in Appendix IV.
(b) “County” means the County of Loudoun, Virginia.
(c) “Ground water” means subsurface water occupying the zone of saturation.
(1) “Confined ground water” means a body of ground water overlain by material sufficiently impervious to sever free hydraulic connection with overlying ground water.
(2) “Free ground water” means ground water in the zone of saturation extending down to the first impervious barrier.
(d) “Health Department” means the same as Health Director.
(e) “Health Director” means the County Health Officer or his duly authorized agent.
(f) “Limestone Overlay District” means those areas of the County, as shown on the County's Zoning Map, which are subject to the Limestone Overlay District, as set forth in the Loudoun County Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance, as amended from time to time.
(g) “Negative coliform test” means a negative test as described in the latest edition of “Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.”
(h) “Person” means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity, singular or plural.
(i) “Pitless adaptor” means a mechanical, gasketed device which is attached through a hole drilled or cut in the well casing, connecting the pressure tank influent pipe to the pump drop pipe, which is approved for such use by the Water Systems Council, Pitless Adaptor Standard No. 1 (PAS-1), or the National Sanitation Foundation.
(j) “Pollution” means the addition of sewage, industrial waste chemicals or other material harmful to water, whether intentional or not. Sources of sewage pollution may be privies, sanitary sewers, septic tanks, subsurface irrigation or drain fields, seepage pits, sink drains, barnyard wastes, chemical storage tanks, fertilizer stockpiles and like sources by whatever name.
(k) “Potable water” means water that is safe for human consumption and culinary purposes free from pathogenic bacteria, protozoa cysts and other disease producing organisms and free from physiologically harmful chemical and mineral substances.
(l) “Private water supply system” means a water supply system from which water is not available to the public, its location and outlets being on private property, and serving not more than one dwelling or agricultural unit. For the purpose of this chapter, an agricultural unit shall be comprised of the main dwelling, tenant houses for the farm employees and other related farm buildings. Commercial and industrial units referred to in this subsection are those employing fewer than twenty-five persons where water is not available to the public.
(m) “Public individual well” means a well serving one commercial or industrial unit.
(n) “Public water supply system” means a water supply system serving two or more dwelling, commercial, agricultural or industrial units, or any system serving more than twenty-five persons, or the public.
(o) “Safe water” means potable water meeting the quality standards included and described as primary maximum contaminant levels in the “Virginia Waterworks Regulations, “ Virginia Department of Health, as specified in Appendix III (as evidenced by analytic test results certified by a laboratory approved to conduct such tests by the Virginia Department of Health).
(p) “Spring” means a natural issue of water from the earth, rock formation or fracture onto the land or into a body of water, the place of issuance being relatively restricted in size.
(q) “Terminus cap” means a well terminus cap which is approved for such use by the Water System Council, Pitless Adaptor Standard No. 1 (PAS-1), or the National Sanitation Foundation.
(r) “Unconsolidated formations” means a formation composed of mud, silt, clay, soft shale, sand or gravel, or creviced rock.
(s) “Water service connection” means the water service connection of a public water supply and shall be considered the effluent connection of the water meter or the effluent pipe of the pressure tank where there is no water meter. The water service connection of a private water supply shall be considered the effluent pipe of the pressure tank.
(t) “Water supply system” means the source, works and auxiliaries for collection, treatment and distribution of potable water from the source of supply to the water service connection.
(u) “Well” means an artificial excavation that derives water from the interstices of the rocks or soil which it penetrates. Wells referred to in Sections 1040.12 and 1040.13 are “shallow” or “deep” depending upon whether they derive water from “free” or “confined” ground water respectively. However, wells of depths greater than fifty feet in unconsolidated formations shall be classified as deep wells. Any exploration, testing or production well for whatever purpose constructed, is considered a water well, and subject to this chapter, since improper construction can lead to ground water contamination.
(1) “Bored well” means a well that is excavated by means of a soil auger (hand or power) as distinguished from one which is dug or drilled.
(2) “Drilled well” means a well that is excavated wholly or in part by means of a drill (percussion or rotary) operated by cutting or abrasion or by use of a water jet.
(3) “Driven well” means a well that is constructed by driving a casing, at the end of which there is a drive point and screen, without the use of any drilling, boring or jetting device.
(4) “Dug well” means a well that is excavated by means of picks, shovels or other hand tools, or by means of a power shovel or other dredging or trenching machinery, as distinguished from one put down by a drill or auger.
(v) “Well grouting” means the filling of the annular space between the well casing and the natural earth or rock with a mixture of neat Portland cement or bentonite clay and water applied under pressure from the lower terminus of the grouting to the top of the well.
(w) “Well lot” means a parcel of land extending at least 100 feet in a radius about the well location, attached in fee simple and protected by covenants running with the land for the life of the structure the well serves.
(Ord. 88-14. Passed 9-19-88; Ord. 10-02. Passed 2-17-10; Ord. 10-05. Passed 5-4-10.)
(a) The requirements of this chapter shall apply to all new water supply systems, both private and public, and they shall also apply to replacements of, or additions to, existing systems.
(b) Building contractors, plumbers, well diggers, well drillers and all persons making installations and/or repairs to existing installations shall be responsible for compliance with applicable sections of this chapter.
(c) Where requirements of this chapter are more stringent than those of the State Health Department, the requirements of this chapter shall prevail.
(Ord. 88-14. Passed 9-19-88.)