Where public water supply and public sewerage systems are available or required by the Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance, such services shall be extended to all lots within a subdivision. All water supply and sewerage systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the specifications contained in the Facilities Standards Manual, and such systems shall meet all the regulations and specifications of the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority or other applicable Federal, State or local agency.
   Where public water supply and public sewerage systems are not available or not required by the Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance, locations for a sewage disposal system and well approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 1245.10 shall be provided for each building lot in the subdivision. The groundwater source must be an approved source of supply reasonably calculated to be capable of furnishing the needs of the eventual inhabitants of the subdivision.
   Any sewerage system, sewage disposal system, water supply or well shall be designed to serve the proposed use and shall conform to all applicable Federal, State and local regulations.
(Ord. 00-04. Passed 4-29-00.)