TITLE TWO - Planning
            Chap. 1220.   Erosion Control. (Repealed)
            Chap. 1224.   Comprehensive Plan.
            Chap. 1225 .   Resident Curator Program.
            Chap. 1226.   Agricultural and Forestal Districts.
      TITLE FOUR - Subdivision Regulations
            Chap. 1241.   General Provisions and Definitions.
            Chap. 1242.   Administration and Enforcement.
            Chap. 1243.   Subdivision Procedure for Submission of Plans, Approval Action, and Recordation of Plats.
            Chap. 1244.   Site Plan Procedures.
            Chap. 1245.   Development Standards.
            Chap. 1246.   Expedited Land Development Review.
            Chap. 1250.   Design. (Repealed)
            Chap. 1252.   General Regulations. (Repealed)
            Chap. 1254.   Special Regulations. (Repealed)
      TITLE SIX- Zoning
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Because it is separately published, the County Zoning Code, being the ordinance effective June 21, 1972, is not included in these Codified Ordinances. Copies may be inspected at the Department of Planning, Zoning and Community Development in the County Administration Building in Leesburg.
   A schedule of fees to be collected for the services of the County in the administration of the Zoning Code is established from time to time by the Board of Supervisors. Copies of the latest such schedule may be obtained from the Department.