1064.01 Definitions.
1064.02 Declaration of necessity.
1064.03 Planning Commission's powers and duties.
1064.04 Codes Enforcement officer's powers and duties.
1064.05 Grievance and appeals.
1064.06 Separability.
1064.07 Storm connection; permit required.
1064.08 Storm connection permit; application and fee.
1064.09 Storm discharge requirements.
1064.10 Storm pipe materials.
1064.11 Storm laterals and yard drains.
1064.12 Downspouts emptying onto sidewalks.
1064.13 Prohibition of unpolluted water.
1064.14 Allowable discharge of unpolluted water.
1064.15 Planning Commission to collect and assess charges.
1064.16 Codes Enforcement officer to survey property.
1064.17 Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) determination.
1064.18 User charge elements and determination.
1064.19 Payment of charges.
1064.20 Gross amount for delinquency.
1064.21 Nonpayment; municipality's remedy.
1064.22 Uses of storm water drainage revenue.
1064.23 Establishing equivalent residential unit (ERU) size and user charge rate.
1064.99 Penalty.
Sanitary sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1020
Extension of sanitary sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1024
Water - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1032