Street Design and Construction Standards
1105.00   General.
1105.01   Functional classification.
1105.02   Conformity to development plans and zoning.
1105.03   Street and circulation system design.
1105.04   Rights of way.
1105.05   Street width.
1105.06   Alignment.
1105.07   Intersection design standards.
1105.08   Street design standards for cul-de-sac and loop-type streets.
1105.09   Street design standards for all local streets except cul-de-sac and loop-type streets.
1105.10   Street design standards for collector streets.
1105.11   Street design standards for commercial and industrial streets.
1105.12   Streets for commercial subdivisions.
1105.13   Streets for industrial subdivisions.
1105.14   Special street types.
1105.15   Street improvements.
1105.16   Subgrade testing.
1105.17   Street construction standards.
1105.18   Street curbs and gutters.
1105.19   Curb pipe underdrains.
1105.20   Reserved.
1105.21   Seeding and sodding.
1105.22   Street names.
1105.23   Street signs.
1105.24   Sidewalks and graded areas.
1105.25   Street and walkway lighting.
1105.26   Monumentation.
1105.27   Culverts and bridges.
1105.28   Street dedication.
1105.29   Street acceptance.
1105.30   Street vacation.
1105.31   Vehicular access points.
1105.32   Off-street parking requirements.
1105.33   Typical residential, commercial/industrial street sections (minimum requirements).