(a) Horizontal Alignment. When there is an angle of deflection of more than one (1) degree between two (2) center line tangent sections of a street, the following conditions shall be met:
(1) The preferred maximum degree of curvature (D) is 16° 00'.
(2) The maximum allowable degree of curvature shall be 23°00'.
(3) Degree of Curvature is defined as: D = 5,729.58/R Where R = Radius of the curve.
(4) Sight conditions shall be such that a minimum stopping sight distance of two hundred (200) feet is provided.
(5) A minimum tangent length of one hundred (100) feet shall be introduced between reverse curves.
(6) Design criteria for other than residential streets shall meet the requirements of the Road Commissioner.
(b) Vertical Alignment. All changes of grade in streets shall be connected by vertical curves, the minimum length of which satisfies the following requirements:
(1) Twenty (20) times the algebraic difference in the rate of grade for arterial and industrial streets.
(2) Fifteen (15) times the algebraic difference in the rate of grade for collector and local streets.
(3) A minimum stopping sight distance of two hundred (200) feet.
(4) The appropriate maximum gradient as specified in the “Street Design Standards” contained in Table 4 shall not be exceeded.
(5) No street grade shall be less than 0.5 percent, and in no case shall a street grade on a collector or arterial street be more than three (3) percent within one hundred (100) feet of an intersection. Lesser classification of streets shall in no case have a street grade in excess of five (5) percent within one hundred (100) feet of an intersection.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)