(a)   Subgrade. The subgrade shall be graded and shaped as shown on the typical cross section specified in these Regulations. The work shall consist of the preparation and excavation of roadways including the preparation and the placement of suitable subgrade material, testing the stability and uniformity of compaction of the subgrade and finishing the shoulders and slopes for the entire width of the right of way.
   Where the bearing capacity of the materials composing the subgrade is deemed unsatisfactory by the engineer, the contractor or developer shall remove such material and replace it to the satisfaction of the Village Road Commissioner.
   In areas where the subgrade consists of sod, vegetative or organic matter, soft clay, and objectionable materials, the roadway shall be undercut to stable soil, filled with material acceptable to the Village Road Commissioner.
   All pavement subgrade shall be proof-rolled where required and as directed by the Village Road Commissioner. Compaction testing may be required in all fill areas as deemed necessary by the Road Commissioner. The cost of such proof-rolling and testing shall be the responsibility of the developer.
   Approval of the subgrade must be obtained in writing from the Road Commissioner prior to the application of the base course. Under no conditions shall the base material for roads and streets be placed until the subgrade has been inspected and approved by the Road Commissioner.
   (b)   Backfill. Storm sewers, water lines, sanitary sewers, culverts and other underground utilities within the road right of way shall be backfilled in accordance with the State of Ohio Department of Transportation - Construction and Material Specifications.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)